Page 202 of Fallen Omega

“He’s dead, Dar?—”

“I know that, Seb,” he snaps, hating that I almost used his real name.

We never do. But I think this moment calls for it.

I ignore that he used mine. “And that’s for?”

“The next fucker who even dares to think he can touch her. Did you see her fucking face? Motherfucker!”

I nod and drag in smoke. I study the glowing tip as it fades to ash, and I blow out a ring of smoke. “I get it.”

“Nothing to fucking get.”

I nod again. “Lost my shit when I saw her. The kid was epic, though. You and I, we’re a different breed. She can undo us. Destruction. It’s her appeal, and also why we might feel we want to push her away.”

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

“Sure you do, Dante.” I straighten. “You like your sex a certain way.”

“Just because I like rough control, her on her knees and spitting venom in passion form, doesn’t mean a thing. Just like if I want to blow apart a pile of motherfuckers who think they can take our money maker from us when we took her in doesn’t mean a thing.”

“Really?” I push.

“What are you fucking trying to say?” He aims the gun at me, and I just raise a brow back. “That I love her? That I care?”

“I don’t know, do you?”

“She makes us fucking money. We put energy into keeping her safe. She scratches an itch and has a body made to fuck. That’s not love.”

Dante needs to cling to his control. But the thing is, I don’t think he has it. I think he’s dangling and he’s wrapped up in his own brand of denial.

“If you say so,” I reply.

His eyes narrow, glittering and he lowers the gun. “I do.”

“Don’t…don’t fuck it up.”

“I’m not. Nothing to fuck up.”

I let that slide.

Instead, I shift gears.

“You missed out on a show earlier.” I pause, blow out smoke. “You should have seen what she did to the guy.”

He smiles, looks at me. “Yeah?”

“Fucking brutal.”


He’s making me do a lot of talking which I don’t like, but I need to get my point across. And for a man who can be verbose and also concise, I think he’s stuck. I think the stubborn asshole’s a little lost, like me.

Not Knight.

That prick’s in touch with all his feels. Go figure.

But Dante and I, we grew up both in and out of the Council system. We always knew what we were and in our own ways, rejected it. Our paths parted and converged, over and over. Mine had a lot more death and jail time. His…