The thunder rattles my bones as the rain comes down hard.
It’s like the atmosphere knows the maelstrom inside of me. The pain. Frustration. All the crap life’s thrown at me.
But apart from Dad’s death—nothing is going to fill the giant, gaping hole inside of me—being an omega is the worst.
No one really explains how it rips you apart. How it turns you into a seething slave of hormones and a basic instinct and urge to breed.
I don’t want any of that.
Heats turn you into a miserable monster, a ball of pain in desperate need of mating.
It turns me into an animal.
And I’ve only hadtwo.
They were excruciating.
My oncoming heat terrifies me. It’s going to be worse than before. I just know it.
The thunder crashes again and lightning flashesbright.
The office I’m in is tucked right at the back of the restaurant where I work, where a number of the waiters and back of house staff got into a fight.
Over me.
I sit and stare at the storm, glad it’s drowning out the voices and the din of the restaurant.
The thing with my heat is, when Dad was alive, he took care of the worst of it with the drugs he got me. Experimental. Black market. The kind that dampened it all down, the kind that let me function—sort of.
My insides clench painfully and a dull ache beats, like the precursor to a stomach bug, but so much worse. I school my features and turn to one of my bosses, Jessa.
She doesn’t sit. I’d say that’s not a good sign, but being dragged out of my shift and being told to wait in the office is bad, too. All in all, it’s rounding out to be a shit show of an evening.
“Kev asked me to handle this,” she says.
She’s about forty and nice…nice enough that she gave me an under the table job at an almost fair wage.
“Handle what?”
Jessa sighs. “I’m sorry.” She holds out an envelope, and I stare at her. “We’re letting you go.”
My throat tightens right away. “I work hard. I always cover shifts when you need it, and?—”
“You’re an omega, Liz,” she says, dropping her voice on ‘omega’ like it’s either a dirty word, or something to be revered. I don’t know, and I don’t care.
My ears start to ring.
“The fight? That was over you. And there are complaints about your scent. It’s bad right now, too intoxicating, apparently, and…” She shakes her head, pushing the envelope at me. “I can’t afford to lose most of the male staff.”