His body still inside mine, Dark cuddles me and peppers kisses across my shoulders as he tries to breathe. “Damn,” he huffs, pushing my hair away from my neck to kiss me there. “I’m drained.”
“Me, too.” I yawn and squeeze my pussy around his shaft. It pops out, and we both groan at the loss.
Taking that as a cue to get up, Dark washes in the bathroom and returns with a warm washcloth moments later. “Roll over,” he orders.
Doing as I’m told, I transfer onto my back, and he spreads my legs. Kneeling on the mattress, he pays special care to my lady bits, cleaning and washing them as if they’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen. When I squeeze down, another rush of cum dribbles out of my center, and he flattens his stomach to the bed and surprises the hell out of me when he licks me clean.
“What are you doing?” I gasp, trying to shove his head away, which gets me nowhere.
“Tasting us.” To fortify his statement, Dark runs his tongue through my folds and pays special attention to my entrance, where he spears my well-used hole and presses his palm to my lower belly. I clench down again, and he hums as if I just deposited another morsel for him to savor.
With a final lick, he sits up between my legs and leans over me.
Pressing his lips to mine, he whispers, “Open.”
My mouth parts, and his tongue, coated in us, slides over mine. It tastes incredible—salty and sweet. Fresh.
“We taste amazing. Don’t we?” He flicks his tongue across my lips.
Savoring us, I nod in lazy agreement because we do.
Heaving a long, sad sigh, my ex drops a final kiss on my lips and retreats. He pushes my legs back together and lounges beside me on the bed. I turn to face him, and he brushes theback of his fingers across my bare breasts. “Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day, babe.” He absentmindedly swirls a finger around my nipple, and I let him. “We gotta rest. You good if I spoon you naked?”
Not wanting to ruin our night together by feeling feelings or overthinking… my happy, mushy, post-orgasm brain doesn’t revolt at sleeping next to Dark, us spooning, or even what we did tonight. Going with it, I turn over and press my ass against his soft cock. Dark throws the thick, white duvet over us and curls around me, his knees pressing into the back of my mine as he sucks and bites another mark into my shoulder before he kisses the sting away.
“Goodnight, beautiful,” Dark utters as he presses his palm into the center of my stomach.
I rest my hand over his and give it a gentle squeeze. “Goodnight, Max.”
After almost a month of living this new life, today’s my day, the day I’ve been waiting for all along. Bouncing on the balls of my bare feet, I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror as the shower and sink run to shield our conversation. Standing beside me, Dark frowns. It’s not the normal unhappy kind. This goes a step beyond that. This is worried Dark. This is the Dark that comes out when he is about to stick his foot in his mouth and cause huge issues for us both because his ego and protective nature are screaming at him to stop me.
If this is such a problem for him, he should have considered the risks, the genuine risks, when he roped me into this job in the first place.
I collect a razor blade from the marble vanity and lift it to my cheek.
Dark’s hand shoots out to stop me. “No.” He steps forward, ready to interfere.
“It has to be done,” I whisper, eyeing the conflicted man in the mirror. “Unless you want to backhand me yourself, I need to draw blood. I need a cut and a swollen cheek,” I remind himbecause I must put on an Oscar-winning performance to sell this charade.
“I don’t like this.” Dark’s jaw clenches—the muscles on either side of his face flex as the lines in his neck pop with tension.
“You don’t have a choice,” I also remind, in case he forgot.
“Babe. Please,” the interfering asshole begs with soft, puppy dog eyes.
Frustrated with him, I slam the razor onto the bathroom counter and spin to face him, both arms tucked across my chest. I cock my hip as I stare at the problem. Him.
“Hit me,” I challenge, turning my cheek to give him plenty of surface to smack. I had to smuggle that razor blade inside my vibrator. Now, he doesn’t want me to use it. Then he has to do something. If it’s not that, it’s a hand. He needs to pick.
Head rearing back as if I slapped him, Dark looks like he wants to throw up at the suggestion. “Fuck no.”
“Then shut the hell up and let me do my job,” I growl.
“I don’t like this.”
“I don’t care what you like right now. Got it?”