Page 6 of Dark & Deceitful

“Kali.” Dark’s voice cracks, forcing me to swallow hard. My shoulders slump forward. I will not feel sorry for him. I won’t absolve him of his fuckups. Year after year, he begs for forgiveness. The weight of his guilt he wants me to bear, and I don’t know why.

Knowing me better than anyone, Sunshine taps the side of my bare legs. I lock my ankles around his waist. Supportive hands scoop under my ass cheeks and lift me from the counter. Across the house, my favorite person in the entire world carries me away from my problems and into the solace of my room. He sets me on my side of the bed, props my back against the headboard, pecks my temple, and covers my legs with all the blankets. Without a word, Sunshine turns on music from his phone, sets it on the nightstand, and leaves to take care of his son. Because that’s how this always goes. Sunshine visits me and his grandbabies, and Dark loses his shit. They have an intense love-hate relationship. It wasn’t always this way. Sure, they used to butt heads like any father and son would. This started after Dark returned to find Sunshine helped me buy this house. He paid the down payment, co-signed for it, and made sure the deed was in my name and my name alone—so Dark had no way of touching it and ripping my life out from under me like he’d done once before.

Sunshine has always been a constant.

A pillar of strength.

Sure, he lives on the road—a nomad to the core.

But this home is his home. We’re his base—his family.

Even before Abby and Lily came along, when we lived in the rental, he stayed with us whenever he could.

Dark never minded then.

He minds now.

He minds a lot.

Closing my eyes, I release the world's longest sigh as their fighting ensues—the volume of Metallica be damned.

“You don’t get to swoop in and be her knight in shining fucking armor!” Dark roars beyond my closed bedroom door.

“Leave. Before you can’t take back whatever dumb shit you’re about to say,” Sunshine volleys in return.

“You aren’t supposed to be here.”

“This is my home.”

“No. It’s not. This is Kali’s home.”

“Then why do I have a house key and you don’t?” Sunshine growls, and I can’t help but smile at the truth of that. No matter how hard Dark has tried over the years, I’ve never given him a key. Each of my sons has one, as well as a few of my friends and, of course, Sunshine.

“She ismywife,” Dark argues lamely, like that somehow matters.

“Ex-wife, or did you forget you have an entire fuckin’ family two houses down, son? The name Abby ring any bells?”

“Fuck you.”

“No. Fuck you for comin’ over here, swingin’ your dick, thinkin’ it was gonna change things.”


Sunshine doesn’t relent. “You spend a lot of time tryin’ to piss her off and meddle in our friendship. Time you should be spendin’ doin’ other shit, like, oh, I dunno, quit pushin’ her buttons and give her the space she’s asked for. Especially today. You went out last night with your woman, and she watched your kid, then you storm over here when you saw my van? You’re a whole-ass adult. Fuckin’ act like one.”

“I didn’t realize what today was,” Dark returns, sounding like a wounded toddler.

“And whose fault is that? Not mine and sure as hell not hers.”

Fact is, I don’t need Sunshine to fight my battles. I’m more than capable of doing it myself. But I’m tired. Too tired to deal with this today of all days. Him showing up to be here for me, to make me breakfast, and deal with another fallout with Dark, shouldn’t please me as much as it does, but I’m relieved.

“I was gonna handle the stalker,” Dark replies, and I snort.

“Kali doesn’t need your help, Dark.”

That’s my cue to zone out. No. It’s my cue to shower. I don’t need to hear any more after this. Tearing the blankets off my legs, I beeline to my bathroom and turn on the water to drown out their escalating fight. This is normal anytime Sunshine’s in town. They fight. They make up. Life moves on. Repeat.

Getting down to business, I toss my boy-short panties and tank into the hamper and go about washing up. The heat relaxes my muscles, and the lavender soap soothes my soul. Taking my time, I lather my brown hair and condition it twice to take my time. Shaving is the last hurrah. Not that I like to shave. Does any woman? I was raised by a mother who preferred to be au natural. Can’t say I picked that up. A smooth pussy, legs, and armpits does a lady good. At least, this lady. You do whatever works for you. No shame.