I turn to Fog and pat his chest. “I’m proud of you and always will be. Tell Dad, don’t tell Dad, that’s up to you. I’ve got your back either way.” Finishing the conversation, I kiss both of my sons on their cheeks before I leave them to figure out their plans and make my way back inside, where my ex awaits me right inside the door.
“Here.” He hands me his phone.
On the screen is my favorite little girl. “Kali!” Lily screeches, waving at me wildly from what looks to be her bedroom at home. Dark painted the walls black six months ago. I don’t know a little girl who loves black as much as her.
Snickering at her outburst, I take the phone to the unused waiting area, dust off the bench, and sit down. The old plastic creaks under my weight as the rows of silver duct tape try to keep the ancient pad together. “How are you?”
For what feels like hours but is only like ten minutes, Lily rambles nonstop. I listen as Dark leans against the wall a few feet away, eavesdropping on us. Not that I mind. She is his daughter.
When Tarek and Fog return, they say hello to their sister before Fog gives me a signal that I think means he’s about to spill the truth to Dark. When Tarek slaps his father on the back, and they approach the bar for a round of beers, I know they’re doing just that.
Pixie and Marge eventually find me in the waiting area and join the fun. They get to experience all of Lily’s adorableness up close and personal. When Marge pipes in to ask Lily questions about herself, the little girl beams, and I hand over Dark’s phone for them to carry on. Having no kids, therefore no grandkids of her own, Marge soaks up her time with Lily like she’s one of the family. I guess she is, in a way.
“How long are you here for?” I ask Pixie as Marge discusses cartoons, and Lily explains whyCoralineis the best movie ever made.
“A few more days. I’m here to tattoo my brother Coal. Then, who knows what? We’re supposed to be on lockdown since we’re at war, but Big gave us the okay to visit since it’s family.”
“Who are you staying with?”
“Coal. He has an extra apartment for friends and family to stay in when they visit. Thankfully, it’s on the other side of his house,” Pix says, sounding relieved.
“So you don’t run into his flavor of the week?” I guess, grinning as I recall a laundry list of sordid Coal stories I’ve heard over the years.
“Exactly.” Pix nods as she pulls a face. “I thought he’d stop man-whoring by now, but he’s worse now than the last time you probably saw him.”
Humming, I tap my lips and reflect on my last run-in with Pixie’s infamous sex-fiend brother. “The last time I saw Coal, he had two girls on his arm and one sucking his dick at a pool party.” That was a wild night. Drunk on cheap wine, Dark and I had sex in the pool house on top of an old dryer.
Slapping her leg, Pixie’s tinkly laugh fills the air. “Well, I suppose not much has changed then.”
“No. I suppose not,” I return with a chuckle.
We catch up on old times until Lily finally lets Marge go, and Dark returns from the bar with our sons to retrieve his phone. He jerks his chin at me as if he’d like to speak privately. Making eye contact, I nod and get up from the bench to follow him through the bar to the back room, where they hold church. Dark holds the door open for me, then shuts us both inside.
Leaning my lower back against the table in the center of the room, Dark posts in front of closed double doors. “Fog came out.”
“I know.”
“He’s dating Lace.”
“I know.”
“I don’t like it.”
“The dating Lace?” I guess.
Cracking his knuckles, Dark’s nostrils flare. “Yeah. Lace. I wasn’t expecting that. But I’m glad he finally told us.”
“Me, too.”
“I always thought we'd be together the day he came out, and it wouldn’t be like this.” He gestures between us as if that somehow explains everything.
“We are together.” Just because Fog didn’t sit us down together doesn’t mean he didn’t tell us both on the same day in the same place. That’s pretty much the same thing to me.
“Not like that, babe.” Dark sighs. “You know what I mean. I don’t fuckin’ like that our son didn’t tell us at the same time.AndI really fuckin’ hate that you’re standin’ over there when I’m here.” He points to where I am and then to himself. “It doesn’t feel right. It’s never felt fuckin’ right. I love you. I love you so goddamn much.” Slamming his head against the wooden door, it rattles on impact as Dark’s eyes squeeze shut like he’s in physical pain. “Fuck.”
“Dark. Don’t do this,” I plead, knowing good and well where this will lead if he doesn’t stop now.
“How can I not?” His throat bobs as he swallows hard. “You’re my wife. Every damn day, all I ever think about is missing you.” Pissed at himself, Dark slams his head against the door a second time and curses under his breath, fisting both hands down at his sides.