Page 23 of Dark & Deceitful


Thank fuck.

This is coming from someone who has a woman he has sex with any time he wants.

Tucking my legs under me, I pull the throw blanket off the back of my chair and drape it over my lap. “Now, what do we need to discuss about this new job of mine?”

Dark produces a manila file and slides it across the coffee table.

For hours, we discuss the details down to the minutia of who, what, when, and where. When Sunshine finishes getting ready for the day, he takes Lily to her bedroom for one-on-one Pops time, to read and play Barbie’s, but not before he checks on me. Because let’s face it, Dark walking in on this morning will drive an even bigger wedge between them, and there’s no telling how much of a dick Dark will act because of it.

So far, he’s been okay, even when I force us to stop long enough to make tea and turkey sandwiches in the kitchen. He glares at his father whenever it suits him, but his mouth remains shut on the bedroom matter.

From a mason jar in the fridge, I pour three shot glasses to the brim with a health tonic I make fresh—lemon juice, ginger, local honey, a dash of orange juice, turmeric, and cayenne. I set the glasses before each guy and leave the last for myself.

“Where’s mine?” Lily asks from her stool as she plucks a chip from her plate and devours it.

“Are you sure you want one, Lily Pad?” I check because she’s tried the tonic before and nearly threw up. It’s potent. Not for the faint of heart.

“Yes. Please.” She taps the counter where she wants her shot glass to go.

Dark chuckles, smiling down at his daughter seated beside him. He squeezes her shoulder in pride.

Not wanting to leave her out, I pour my favorite little girl a quarter shot and set it right where she wants.

She’s the first to lift it in the air.

Sunshine follows suit, then Dark, and I’m last.

“What should we celebrate?” Lily asks excitedly, the sweetest smile alighting her face.

“To good health?” I shrug.

“To a safe return home,” Dark announces, looking straight at me as he clinks his shot glass with Lily’s.

“To a safe return home,” Sunshine parrots, also staring at me before he taps his tonic to Lily’s.

“To a safe return home.” Following suit, I clink my glass against everyone’s, leaving Dark and Sunshine to finish the honor.

From the opposite side of Lily, Sunshine toasts his son, who returns the gesture with a glare. Together, we down our shots following Lily’s joyful, “To a safe return home!”

The juice is smooth and tangy on the way down—a welcome flavor from years of drinking the stuff.

Not everyone’s reaction is the same. Lily’s face pinches in revulsion, and she forces it down, but not before she gags the tiniest bit. Dark pats her back as he grunts but ingests the tonic like a shot of whiskey with no complaints. Sunshine loves the tonic. He shoots half the glass and savors the flavor before he finishes the second half.

Watching them draws a small smile to my face as the warm fuzziness fill me up inside.

This is my family.

Yes, even Dark.

As the three familial clones finish their lunches, I collect the glasses and place them on the top rack of the dishwasher to run later. Then it’s back to work because I have a job to do.

California, here I come.


Setting the stack of empty plates on the galley counter, I prop my hip against it, cross my arms, and wait for Romeo to slide them into the dishwasher.