Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Sunshine leaning back on the sofa. A booted foot props on his holey, jean-clad knee as he relaxes into the cushions and drapes an arm across the back like a cool guy in the movies.
“I’m Dark,” the other male says from somewhere else in the room. I’m too chicken shit to look up and find out.
Acutely aware of their presence, I fidget as I swallow and dive in for a bite so big my cheeks burst like a chipmunk. Sweat dots my brow, and I let out a small squeak when I choke on the dry, flavorless bread. Not wanting to die in front of these men, I spit part of my sub onto the wrapper in my lap and cringe at the half-chewed bits. I cover them quickly with my hand.
The younger male chuckles as I tremble.
I need to go.
I need to check on my mother.
Time to get up and walk away. Stand proud. Pretend to be cool.
Pretend. To. Be. Cool.
“Hey.” A hand touches my shoulder. I jerk so hard in surprise that my food, the chewed-up bits and all, along with my water bottle, tumble to the floor at my feet.
I drop to my knees on the ugly carpet and scramble to pick up the mess.
So stupid.
The man from the couch kneels beside me. “Hey. Hey. It’s okay.”
No, it’s not okay.
My mom is dying.
I’m without a home.
Without food or money.
I haven’t graduated from high school yet.
I have weeks until she’s gone.
Weeksuntil I am alone.
Fat tears pour down my cheeks—hot, traitorous, horribly embarrassing tears. Tears I can’t stop.
The man… Sunshine, yeah, that’s his name, doesn’t seem to care when he scoops up my mess into his hand as I sit on my knees, chin on my chest, and crumble like a deck of cards.
A hiccupped cry rips from my throat at his unexpected kindness. At everything.
Then suddenly, he’s just there.
His warmth.
His presence.
Scooping me off the floor, Sunshine sits on the couch with me on his lap. To hide myself from him and the world, I stuff my face into the side of his throat and paint it in salty anguish.
“Shhhh. It’s okay. It’s okay,” he soothes, rubbing a hand up and down the side of my thigh.