My head rests against Sunshine’s upper chest, where his heartbeat thrums in my ear. Wrapping both arms around him, I grip the bottom of his shirt, close my eyes, and expel a pent-up breath I’ve been holding onto for what feels like hours.
Fingers sift through the back of my hair, and Sunshine holds me close, humming Clapton low enough only I can hear. It’s perfection. Just what I need.
When we head home for the night, Sunshine drives with his hand in mine. We don’t speak. There’s nothing to be said.
At home, in the comfort of my bedroom, I slip on a pair of shorts and a crop top as Sunshine strips down to his boxers. Again, we say nothing as I crawl onto my side of the bed and he on his.
We meet in the middle. His warm skin envelops mine as I become the small spoon to his bigger. My ass to his crotch.
Just like that, we sleep.
And I’m safe.
There’s no mouthwatering French toast or bacon perfuming the house as I peel my eyes open, but there’s heat and a hard cock pressed against my ass. Hot breath tickles my neck as my bed companion snores lightly. Sunshine’s hand has somehow migrated from my stomach to cup my breast. I peer down at the tattooed hand and mash my lips together to keep from laughing. This isn’t the first time this has happened. The last time I teased him about it, he turned fifty shades of embarrassed. It was one of the sweetest reactions I’ve ever seen. This man would never cross any lines unless we discussed them at length first.
It took years for us to agree to sleep in bed together whenever he visits. It was my idea, partly because I’ve always loved having a bed partner to sleep and cuddle with and because he’s Sunshine. Who wouldn’t want to sleep with him in bed?
The world’s lightest fingernailtap, tap, tapsounds at my bedroom door, followed by a church mouse whisper.
Smiling wide, I tuck the blanket further up my chest so our little visitor doesn’t get an eyeful of half-naked Pops in bed, getting his boob feelers on in his unconscious state.
“Come in,” I whisper.
The door creeps open, and her adorable face appears as she tiptoes inside, wearing a pair of unicorn pajamas, her hair still a wild mess from a good night’s sleep. I pat the spot on the mattress over the blanket. Nodding excitedly for snuggle time, Lily climbs into the spot, facing me.
Tucking a lock of dark hair around the shell of her ear, I press a finger to my lips to signal we gotta be quiet so we don’t wake Pops.
She nods and claps a little hand over her mouth to keep from giggling, but her eyes brighten, and I catch a sweet grin peek out from behind her fingers.
The man at my back grumbles.
I freeze, not wanting to rouse him.
Lily’s eyes round to the size of hubcaps.
Do you think we should wake him? I mouth to her.
Somehow reading my lips, Lily’s head shakes just as footsteps resonate outside my now open bedroom door.
I die a little inside.
Dark’s here.
On days I know I’m not going anywhere and think Lily might want to come over, I leave the back door unlocked. I guess Dark took that as an invitation.
I motion to the door.
Lily mouths what I think is the word,Dad, which confirms my suspicions. He said he was coming to discuss our new job, but I didn’t think it would be this early. The clock on my nightstand reads a little after eight. Yep. This is way too early on a Sunday to deal with my ex.
As if things couldn’t get worse, said dark-haired, gray-eyed man, saunters straight into my bedroom in a pair of gray sweatpants outlining hisyou-know-whatand a comfy, long-sleeve t-shirt. Taking one look at my bed, he opens his mouth like he’s about to lose his fucking mind, and just as I expecthim to curse, the body behind me jostles, rubs his still erect cock against my ass, and rumbles, “Go to the fuckin’ livin’ room, Dark.”
My stomach dips.
The hand tightens around my breast.
“Pops, you’re awake!” Lily cheers, wiggling on the bed, oblivious to the awkward situation unfolding.