Brow furrowing in the center, my ex stands to his full height, shrugs off his leather jacket, and hands it over for me to put on. I don’t question it because I don’t want him inside to have this chat. I also want to stop shivering. Throwing it on, it’s so damnbig it almost touches my knees. My hands hide in the depths of the arms, like a small child wearing their father’s clothes. I look like an idiot, but I don’t care. Thankfully, my shaking quickly ceases because he warmed the inside, and we are not gonna discuss how much it smells like him. It’s like a Dark burrito—warm and fragrant. It’s bliss and hell in equal measure.
Dark pulls a hoodie from his saddlebag and throws it on before he retakes his bike. Probably so we’re eye-to-eye, and he appears less intimidating at this level. If that’s the case, it’s working.
“Thanks.” I press my lips together in a tight smile. “Now, about this job.” I don’t ask if this could have waited until morning because we both know it could have. My guess is he just got the call and left to see me. Not thinking is one of Dark’s strong suits.
He stuffs his hands inside the front pocket of his hoodie. “It’s in California, on the coast. We need to establish your presence there. You’ll be working on a yacht as a maid, server, or whatever they need from you.”
I nod along.
Dark continues, “At the end of the month, the yacht is set to have a party, two nights on the open seas, international waters. There will be guests. Rich pricks like you’ve dealt with before and women.”
“It’s another auction, isn’t it?” I guess, having encountered them before.
“Yes,” he confirms.
“How many?”
“Right now. Ten women, high dollar. Twelve men.”
Of course, it is.
“Let me guess. They want new hires for the yacht because, after the auction, they plan to kill the newbies and dump them overboard. Or, they plan to sell them to the other menas consolation prizes to stroke their bruised egos.” Fucking disgusting.
“Bingo.” The man winks at me. Fucking winks. “You know your shit, babe.” Dark’s sumptuous mouth splits into a blinding smile, all-white teeth, and a dimple. To make matters worse, his penetrating gaze sears into me, stripping me bare right here on the sidewalk.
I hate it.
My stomach pitches at the unwanted attention. I don’t want praise from him. I don’t want anything from him. A job is a job. That’s fine. I can do a job. This… this I can’t do.
“This isn’t my first rodeo,” I grumble. It’s lame, but it’s true. I’ve been in this world so long, nothing surprises me anymore. They kidnap women, break them, and then sell them to the highest bidders across the globe as subservient pets. It’s just another cash cow for the rich fucks of the world. You would be shocked by the number of billionaires who make extra money peddling flesh.
“Well.” Dark clears his throat and schools his features. “It kinda is, ’cause I’m gonna be one of the bidders.”
There’s the catch.
“Is that why you’ve been gone a lot lately?” I ask.
“Oh. So, you noticed. I’m touched.” Dark grasps his heart dramatically and swoons.
“Shut it. Lily has been over more than usual. That means you’ve been gone.” Normally, she visits a few times a week. For the last couple of months, it’s been pretty much every day. An hour here. An hour there. I try not to notice anything about Dark if I can avoid it. That makes life easier.
“I’ve got three months in on this, building my relationship to get a seat at the table. Darmond Cassiano is running the show.”
I whistle, impressed. “He’s a big fish.”
“No. Babe. He’s a goddamn whale. If we take him out, his California connections and crew will scramble to find a replacement. That’ll leave a big enough window for our guys to put a world of hurt on ‘em.”
He’s right. This is huge. If this works, more women will be saved, and another pillar will be ripped right out from under Remy’s operations. If one of his big dogs gets put down, there’s no telling how quickly his empire will crumble. After the shit this man has done to my sisters, I’m happy to knock him down as far as I can until someone puts a bullet between his eyes.
“Fine,” I yield.
“You’ll do it?” Dark’s eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning. I don’t know why he sounds surprised. He knows me. He knows what I’ll do to save women and put assholes to ground.
“Yes, but you already knew that.”