"Not so fast, little one. It's not that simple."
Frustration bubbles up inside me. "What do you mean? Just take us there!"
Saturus' eyes narrow. "The captain's private residence. Heavily fortified. Even my powers have limits."
My stomach drops. "But... but you're a demon. Can't you just..."
"Teleport in?" He laughs, but there's no humor in it. "Anti-demon magic. The attacks have made them cautious."
I slump against the wall, despair threatening to overwhelm me. "So what, we just give up? I can't abandon her!"
Saturus tilts my chin up, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I didn't say that. We'll need a plan. Something clever.
The music pulses through my veins, a discordant rhythm that matches the chaos in my heart. I twirl and sway, my body moving to the beat while my mind races. My long white hair moves in time with my hips. The silken costume clings to my skin, a constant reminder of the role I'm playing. The air is thick with the scent of perfume, sweat, and alcohol, making my head spin.
Across the room, the captain lounges on his throne-like chair, basking in all his profound glory. This whole spectacle is due to the captain receiving some pretentious award.
His bloodshot eyes continue roving over the dancers with predatory interest. My stomach churns. Is he looking for his next victim? Maybe his consolation prize was one of the poor defenseless girls they keep as prisoners. Did he have a hand in giving my sister over to that monster of a general?
I force a sultry smile, letting my hips sway as I move closer to his dais. His gaze locks onto me, and I fight the urge to recoil. Instead, I blow him a kiss, bile rising in my throat.
Rage bubbles up inside me, hot and vicious. My newfound demon power surges through my veins, begging for release. I imagine plunging my hand into the captain's chest, ripping out his black heart. It would be so easy. So satisfying.
But then I catch a glimpse of Saturus across the room. Even in his disguise, those mismatched eyes are unmistakable. Our gazes lock, and a wave of calm washes over me. Right. The plan. I can't lose control now.
I take a deep breath, forcing my features into a coy smile. The face I wear isn't my own - it's a near-perfect copy of the captain's sister-in-law. His forbidden desire. The knowledge makes my skin crawl, but I use it to my advantage.
"You there, lovely one!" The captain's voice booms across the room, cutting through the din of the party. "Come, serve me some wine."
I saunter over, swaying my hips in a way that makes me want to scrub myself raw. "Of course, my lord," I purr, pouring him a generous goblet of deep red wine. The aroma of the rich vintage mingles with the captain's cloying cologne, making my stomach turn.
His meaty hand closes around my wrist. "Why don't you have a seat, my dear?" He pats his lap, grinning lecherously. The flickering candlelight casts shadows across his face, making him look even more sinister.
Every instinct screams at me to run, to fight, to do anything but comply. But Narina's face flashes through my mind. I have to do this. For her.
Swallowing my revulsion, I perch delicately on the captain's knee. His arm snakes around my waist, pulling me flush against him. The stench of alcohol and sweat assaults my nose, and I struggle not to gag.
"Feed me," he commands, opening his mouth like an overgrown baby bird.
I pick up a grape from his plate, fighting the urge to shove the bunch down his throat until he chokes. Instead, I gently place one between his lips, my fingers brushing against his mouth.The fruit's skin is cool and smooth, a stark contrast to the captain's hot, moist lips.
He sucks on my fingertips, and bile rises in my throat. I want nothing more than to vomit all over his expensive uniform. But I can't. Not yet.
The captain's face looms closer, his breath hot and sour. I turn my head at the last second, his lips grazing my cheek instead of my mouth. A girlish giggle escapes me as I press a finger to his chest.
"My lord, not here," I coo, batting my eyelashes. "What would people say?"
He laughs, a booming sound that makes my skin crawl. His meaty hand squeezes my ass, hard enough to bruise. "Since when do I care what they think, little minx?"
Before I can respond, he stands abruptly, scooping me up like a sack of grain. I yelp in surprise, my borrowed face flushing with genuine embarrassment.
"Gentlemen!" the captain bellows, addressing the room. "I'm afraid I must retire for the evening. This lovely creature requires my... personal attention."
Raucous cheers and lewd comments follow us as he carries me from the hall. His grip on my backside never loosens, fingers digging into soft flesh. I want to claw his eyes out, to scream until my throat bleeds. Instead, I force out another simpering laugh.
"Oh, you beast," I titter, tapping his chest playfully. "Whatever shall I do with you?"