“Oh, absolutely I am,” I said, not bothering to hide it. “That rivalry would have been a lot deeper if it hadn’t worked out this way.”

She glanced around. “Now that I’m seeing this place, I can agree that it's not the same kind of bar that the Whitaker’s own.”

Man, I needed to hear that. I’d offered to take a step back so Maverick and I could come to some sort of peace, but this was my dream and that hadn’t changed. It just shifted a little to include Sidney.

“Thanks, Sidney,” I said, giving her a shy smile before I started pulling out the paperwork that I needed to go over. “Now, keep going. I need more. I want to know everything about my mate.”

She let out a little laugh. “My life was really just boring. I kept being friends with Avery. I worked on the farm up until last week when all this went down.”

“How did your dad react?” We hadn’t had a chance to touch base after she and Maverick went to pick up her things. They both came back a little bit somber.

“I’m not even sure,” she admitted with a shrug. There was a sadness in her eyes and I wished I could do anything to chase it away. “He barely noticed I was gone. I was already replaced, actually. He had a few more ranch hands there and I’m sure now that I’m out of the cottage, someone else will be moving in. He seemed to be trying but I won’t be holding my breath.”

“His loss, Sidney. You’re amazing and you never deserved the way they treated you.”

“Thanks,” she said, letting out a sad sigh.

“So, what else is there to know about Sidney Vance?”

“My favorite color is green. I’d eat tacos for every meal if I could. And, I don’t know how to react when people compliment me. My emotions are a little crazy lately. I’ve never had normal heats. I’ve got only a few close friends and I’ve picked up more hobbies than the average person could manage in a lifetime to try filling the quiet nights.”

“Any of them stick?” I questioned.

“Art,” she said, not looking up at me this time. “I really love to sketch and draw. When I can get my hands on supplies, I like to paint. That one’s a bit harder to do in a cramped space and I’m always busy anyway. Regardless, none of that matters now. I have to find a job. One that pays actual money.”

“Not until after your heat. You can’t start and then take weeks off, so you don’t have to figure it out right this second.”

She let out a breath. I think that was something she needed to hear.

“Could you do something with the art? Has there ever been some sort of dream you’ve had around it? Teaching, commissions?”

She didn’t answer right away, letting it sink in and mulling it over.

“It’s not really job worthy, but when I was in high school and really found out I had some skill, my art teacher encouraged meto get a booth at the fair and to sell some of my work. She even tried to talk to me about the world of digital prints and things like that but I never found the time.”

“Well, it just so happens that Maverick is trying to start that fair back up. Maybe it’s time to start working on your pieces for the booth.”

“I’m not even sure I’m good enough anymore. Not to mention most of my subjects are things around Rockwood Valley. The horses, the landscapes, the people.”

“Wait… the people?” Her cheeks burned but she nodded.

She looked at me, hesitating for a second before she pulled a sketchbook out of the bag she carried. She turned it sideways so we could both look as she opened it up.

I watched, transfixed as she flipped through. I caught glimpses of gorgeous views, horses, and other pieces that were beautifully brought to life.

She really did capture the beauty in this town and I wished I could see it in color, not just charcoal on paper.

Then my eyes widened as she landed on a scene. It was the pack sitting around the couch. The background was simple, just a few lines to show the archway to the kitchen and the couch we were sitting on.

It was the four of us that really caught my eye.

She’d captured Taylor’s dimples, the light dancing in his eyes, and his mess of curls.

Maverick had a half scowl on his face, but his eyes were locked on her and brimming with love.

There was a soft look of longing on my face. It was the same way I’d looked at her since that day.

Then there was Bennett. Just a small smirk on his face as he watched, captivated by both Taylor and Sidney.