And so he could keep an eye on that asshole.

A waiter came out. Likely one of the actual waiters who worked here. He slid over my burger and fries, along with a chicken salad for Taylor.

“Need anything else?” he asked pointedly, giving me a polite look then narrowing his eyes at Taylor, telling him silently he’d demand answers later.

“Does this whole place know you asked me on a date?” I hissed as he walked back inside. Taylor shrugged.

“We’re all family here. My parents have been teasing me for months about asking you out. I just wasn’t brave enough yet.”

“Oh,” was all I could offer, popping a fry in my mouth so I had an excuse not to talk back. Honestly, what the hell was I going to say to that.

Then guilt hit me and I knew what I had to do. Taylor deserved to know what he was walking into. Only then could I give him any sort of date.

After I swallowed the fry and took a drink of my soda, I looked up at him, finding his blue eyes already locked on me. The soft smile on his face just made it that much more important.

“Taylor… I don’t have a scent. I’ve never had one and I can’t scent you, either.”

“I know,” he said as if it was as simple as that.

I blinked at him, stunned. What the hell did he mean he knew?

He must have realized my confusion because he rushed in with an explanation of his own.

“You and Avery were having lunch and I happened to walk out right as she was talking about it. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop or anything, and I really don’t care, Sidney. I mean, I do care if it upsets you, but it’s not going to stop me from wanting you. Scenting isn’t everything. I wantyou, Sidney.”

The way he emphasized it was all encompassing like this man craved me for everything I was.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I looked up at him trying to figure out what to say to that. My eyes were stinging with tears again but they were different this time, a mix of relief and hope.

“Will you go out on a date with me, Sidney?” he asked again, gently this time.

Even though my heart wanted to protest it, I also wanted this more than anything else.

Was I really willing to risk another potential date just because I was too scared?

I took a breath and strengthened my resolve. Maybe the time we spent together would be worth the risk of heartbreak.

Maybe Grace and Avery were right, I was punishing myself and I had been for far too long.



My best friend punched me over a girl.

That thought continued to swirl through my mind over and over as I watched the two omegas together. The sight of them so close was driving me absolutely crazy.

My eye throbbed painfully as I glared, making me wince.

No, he didn’t punch me over a girl, he punched me because I was an asshole to his girl.

I’d probably do the same. I had pushed Sidney on purpose, poking and prodding at her as I clocked each wince and downturn of her mouth. She was obviously already in a bad headspace and I made it worse.

I kind of hated myself, too.

Maybe Taylor was right and we weren’t all meant to be a pack.

I’d heard what she said, blurting it out like she expected him to run.