My teeth were grinding so hard my jaw ached. I said nothing as I breathed through my anger, my eyes still narrowed on them both.

Who the fuck did this guy think he was?

Bennett let out a sigh and handed over his business card to Leo when he realized I wasn’t backing down. “Call me to set up a time to talk. Have a good day.”

He directed his goodbye to both of us before walking away, leaving Leo and I staring each other down on the sidewalk.

“Maverick, the last thing I want to do is start some kind of petty war when I’ve got enough on my plate. He’s right we are very different. Everybody keeps telling you that, but you refuse to listen.”

“You’re right. I won’t listen because this is bullshit and you know it.”

“We aren’t even serving beer,” Leo defended. “It’s going to be wine, high-end whiskey, gin, anything that was historically relevant to hard liquor. You have a jukebox, we will have live music or pre-recording of jazz. Not the fucking same.”

With that he let out a huff, turned, and stormed away. I’d give it to the beta, he had some major alpha energy.

If I didn’t hate him so much maybe I’d be impressed.

Instead I stormed inside, surprised to see Cameron and Nash looking at the papers I’d left behind.

“How did the meeting go?” Cameron asked, oblivious or ignoring the fight out front, I wasn’t sure which.

“Sorry, we would have been here sooner but Mama needed help with something,” Nash explained, flipping through the papers and then glancing up at me when I hadn’t spoken.

“What the hell’s wrong with you?” Cameron accused.

“The meeting went great and then he steps outside and has a conversation with that jerk trying to open a bar.”

“Right in front of ours?” Cameron bit out, getting just as angry as I was.

Nash just shook his head. “You know, I’ve heard a little bit about his plans and I really don’t think we have to worry about it guys. We’ve got our own thing with social media and reaching a broader audience. Our business is booming. We’re just fine.”

“I sure as hell hope you’re right.”


The Landing loomed ahead of me. I always thought it was gorgeous. The dark stone of the building had ivy crawling up the sides. The lakeside backdrop reflected the sun, making it sparkle.

Usually the view brought me comfort, the soft mountain wind relaxing me.

Today, I was a mess and nothing could stop it.

I’d been in a mood since Maverick accepted that date. I blamed myself for being a coward, knowing deep down that I ruined any chance I had of him choosing me.

Then, there was Taylor.

He had asked me on a date and I was too fucking terrified to agree. I was also positive that if he asked me again, I wouldn’t say no this time. My resolve was weakening. I was so fucking tired of being alone and sad.

If I agreed, the guilt would eat me alive. How could I start a life with them knowing I could never give them the basic needsof a pack. I had no scent, no heat, and likely would never have children.

“Are you going to go inside or are you just going to stare at the building?”

I groaned as I looked over at Leo Valor, the current bane of my existence.

“Why do you care, Leo?” I asked. My tone was defeated today, I had no real fight left in me. He studied me, those sharp eyes roaming over me before answering.

“Because my best friend does,” was all he offered before glancing back at the door. “You know, I never took you for a coward. Is there a reason you’re afraid to go inside?”

His words are laced with challenge and I narrowed my eyes. Part of me recognized that he was playing me, the other part was unsure why he was looking at me so intensely.