Page 121 of Talk About… Rivalry

“Whoever catches me, gets me.”

There wasn’t even a beat before we all launched ourselves after her. Bennett had the advantage but Taylor tugged him back, shocking us all as he took the lead.

I wasn’t above fighting dirty, doing the same to my best friend before racing up ahead of them both.

Maverick growled behind me, picking me up mid-run and dropping me to the floor as he took the lead again, the rest of us watching in disbelief as he disappeared up the stairs and down the hall, leaving us behind.

“Damn, I’m kind of impressed, I can’t even be mad,” Bennett chuckled.

“Good thing you have me, too,” Taylor teased, disappearing into his room with his alpha trailing behind.

I guess it was time for my shower and my hand. Though Taylor was right, I couldn’t even be mad.

I was too happy.


Sidney looked gorgeous. There was a glow to her skin, cheeks flushed, as she walked from one piece of art to the next. She’d put on a cute, black dress that rested just above her knees, boots, and a jean jacket on top. Simple, yet sexy as hell.

Then again, I couldn’t seem to get enough of my mate.

As we walked through the art exhibit she studied the pieces while I studied her. I knew which ones she liked by the way her smile grew, or disliked, by the wrinkle to her nose.

The exhibit was a mix of art styles and though I had never been into art like she was, I was having a great time.

Maybe it was her sweet and earthy scent in my nose all night, or the contentment in the bond, but I could stay in this moment forever with her.

As she grew more comfortable with the pack, it was like watching her change in the best ways. She no longer curled in onherself when no one was watching. She stood tall and confident, her laughter and smiles carefree.

My hand was wrapped in hers as she tugged me on to the next, eyes lighting up as she turned to me.

“This artist is one of my favorites. He’s fairly unknown, but look at this,” she said, voice low enough that we didn’t disturb anyone else. I finally took my eyes off Sidney to look at the paintings hanging on the wall.

They were amazing. The way he’d painted his subjects was almost melancholy, their faces turned or shadowed, yet ethereal. The mix of glowing blues and purples mixing with the shadows and pale figures, rang with emotion.

She let out a small laugh. “I never realized how depressing they feel. They’re all so alone and lost.”

“Art resonates with the emotion in us,” I countered. “Maybe you didn’t realize how much you felt like that. Does it still resonate with you now?”

“No,” she admitted, a bittersweet smile on her face. “I can see their beauty but I can’t relate the way I did before. You guys changed me.”

“You’ve changed us, too, sunshine,” I promised, kissing her temple as she stared at the pictures.

Before her frown could truly take hold, she brought me over to the next artist. When I didn’t turn from her she looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

“If you keep staring at me, you’re going to miss everything,” she laughed. Her cheeks darkened with embarrassment but I just chuckled.

“But you’re a work of art, Sidney,” I teased. She groaned, but her smile widened.

“You’re so cheesy,” she accused.

“Only for you,” I countered, unashamed that she caught me watching her. I loved seeing the emotions cross her face, and theline between her brows deepen as she concentrated on a piece, trying to uncover its secrets.

She didn’t call me out again as we made our way to the last room. Her focus was on the art around her and a part of me hoped that she would take this as a sign to keep working on her own.

“Let’s go next door,” I said as I took the lead now, pulling her into the small art supply store.

“No, Taylor,” she protested. “You’re tired of all this. It’s my thing, not yours.”