Page 119 of Talk About… Rivalry

“Thanks for being here for me,” Avery said in a quiet voice as I settled her daughter in her free arm before giving her a gentle hug.

“I’m always here for you, just like you were there for me,” I told her, tears burning my eyes.

She huffed. “Not that you listened, brat. You ran.”

“I did, but they found me,” I said.

“No more running?” Her eyes were bright with happiness on my behalf.

“No more running,” I promised before giving Mama Whitaker a hug, brushing a finger down Sophie’s cheek, giving Lincoln’s little finger a squeeze, then walking back to the hallway.

Maverick and his brothers had a turn before Grace and I went in, so he was still waiting for me in the hall, even an hour later.

He stood as I walked out and pulled me into his arms.

“Ready to go home, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” I agreed, though I’d already found it the moment he pulled me close.

The others were ready to go when we got to the lobby, falling in step behind us as Maverick led us out of the hospital.

Honestly, not one of us should be driving on this little sleep, but we managed to make it home in one piece.

There was a moment when we got back that we paused, not quite ready to go our separate ways.

“My bed’s the biggest,” I offered, heading upstairs and shedding my clothes, not bothering to replace them before falling between my sheets. Leo had picked out a silky fabric that felt like heaven against my skin.

My eyes were already closed when I felt the others join. All four of their scents wrapped around me as I drifted off, safe and happy surrounded by my pack.


It waspitch black outside when I blinked my eyes open. Glancing around I noticed the alphas were still wrapped around Sidney, all three breathing steadily. Only Taylor was missing.

I slipped out of the bed and headed for my own room, taking a quick shower and changing before heading downstairs to find my best friend.

It felt like it had been days since I talked to him alone.

He was on the couch, watching an old rerun ofCriminal Minds. His gaze flickered to me before looking back at the TV.

“This episode is wild,” he offered as I flopped down next to him.

“Did you get sleep?”

“Probably too much. It’s four in the morning,” he laughed. My eyes widened. I guess that explained the darkness outside.

My head dropped against his shoulder as I stifled a yawn.

“We all needed the sleep. Though, now I’m starving,” I said.

“Bennett put a roast in the crockpot before he went upstairs. It’s ready, I had some an hour ago,” he said.

“A roast for breakfast?” I laughed, but wasn’t protesting. Homemade hot food sounded wonderful after a week of barely eating.

“He said it was the heartiest thing we had on hand,” Taylor explained with a small smile.

“You happy, Taylor?”

He nodded, hiding his grin behind his mug. I’d always called my best friend a golden retriever. Now, I was glad he found two mates that would protect that carefree side of him.