Page 18 of Big Timber

NEVER RIDE OFF:Brothers do not abandon their family.

“Prez,” I softly call out since he hasn’t acknowledged me, even though the door let out a groan when I pushed it open to join him.

“Have you ever felt like your family wasn’t worth associating with anymore?” he asks in reply.

“Yeah. I mean, not all my family, but when I realized my mom was using us as a money grab…” I reply, pausing as I don’t know what’s running through his mind right now. “I left home when I was barely into my teens, called Family Services on her, and well, you know my history, but luckily I stumbled into my calling eventually.”

“I remember meeting your sister shortly after you decided to stick around here,” he says, still not having turned to look at me. “She’s younger than you, isn’t she?”

“Yeah. We have different dads. Once our older brothers and sisters turned eighteen, Mom would kick them out, and they never bothered with us after that.” I give him the highlights of my childhood that I’ve only shared with Talia. “I vaguely remembered where my sister’s dad lived, so I tracked him down and told him how bad things were. He got custody of her, and he was good enough to take in our youngest brother. She had pretty much been raising that kid anyway.”

Our youngest brother,at that time at least, I think to myself when I stop talking. Over the past week, I find myself wondering more and more how many other childrenmy motherhad before that ship sailed.

Declan was really only half listening to me anyway, as he’s still concentrating on whatever has him in the mood he’s in. My eyes follow his and once again scan the words I know by heart, wondering more and more about Wolfman and Throttle’s unexpected visit.

“It talks a lot about ‘family’ and ‘respect’, doesn’t it?” I point out the obvious to him, and he shifts his focus back to me.

“You, obviously, know there’s really only one avenue left when you’ve lostrespectfor those who are supposed to befamily.” He bites out the words, sounding more tired than angry.

“The rally’s next week,” I needlessly remind him, wondering what he plans to do.

“Light and Randy were looking forward to it,” he says, before shaking his head. “Both for different reasons, but they went down with Ankeny. I’m calling for church in the morning. Time for a real talk. I’ll pay you for the appointment. I got distracted.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I tell him, understanding that he has more on his plate right now than the tat we’d planned out.

“Are you doing alright?” he asks me, his eyes lowering to my ankle.

“Stronger every day,” I answer. “I’ll be there for Light and Randy’s last ride.”

“And with the girl?”

“I was going to talk to you about that today,” I tell him, knowing it’s not the best time. “I want to claim her.”

His head snaps up, searching my face. “It hasn’t even been ten days.”

“I only needed one day with her to know,” I easily confess, then continue to make sure he understands how serious I am. “I’ve told her about my life before Flagstaff.”

From the strangled grunt he lets out, I’d almost think he was chuckling.

“You know, the building’s safe enough if you want to get things out of your room … oh, sorry, that flight of stairs might be difficult,” he cracks out.

“Ever wonder why no one ever laughs at your jokes?” I snap back before sliding in my ask. “What are your thoughts about getting her a cut?”

“I’m calling church tomorrow,” Declan says, his tone suddenly darker than it had been. “You haven’t been here that long, so I want you to wait until then and consider what’s best for you. And her.”

“I have a feeling where this is going,” I say, striding toward him as I stretch my hand out at the last step. “This is where I belong. You and the others? We are family. I got your back. I’ll fight and bleed if needed.”

“And your sister? Or Talia?” he asks, gripping my hand.

“Make sure they’re taken care of, if anything happens to me,” I answer him. “Both of them.”

He reaches his other hand up to grip my shoulder, then I turn to go, almost making it to the door before he speaks again.

“Bring her to my house for dinner tonight. Jenna should get to know her,” he calls out, and I only pause long enough to give him a nod.


“What do I wear?” I ask Tarak when he tells me about our dinner plans.