Page 35 of Hyde

“And will you tell me all of your stories?”

“No, but I’ll tell you all the ones that matter,” he promises and I know that I can live with that.

When he shifts my leg forward and slides his long, hard dick into me from behind, I have the fleeting thought that he’s unprotected but considering the cramps that have been signaling my impending period, I decide not to worry about it.

He loves me slowly this time, without the urgency we’ve felt every time since the beginning and when my impatience starts to rear its ugly head, I focus on his soft touches and gentle kisses along the base of my neck.

He comes right after I do and just as I’m falling asleep the words he whispers nearly break my heart.

“You’re what I always wished for, but never thought I deserved.”

Long after he’s snoring in my ear and I’ve used some of the tissues on the bedside to clean myself; his words remind me that while I grew up with loving parents, he was merely tolerated. Never knowing a real family until Bree and Flint took him in.


Later that night, I wake up sweltering. Mainly due to the big guy who’s still spooning me. Slipping out from under his arm, I pull on my hoodie and head out to get a bottle of water from the fridge along with a couple of ibuprofens.

When I’m halfway through the bottle, one of his saddlebags catches my eyes and I grab the handle to move it back to the laundry room, figuring it’s the rest of his clothes.

Not getting a firm grip on the bag, it tilts over, spilling its contents out. There aren’t any clothes in this bag. There are some travel-sized toiletries and postcards. Dozens of them.

Staring down at the pile, my eyes fill with tears and I eagerly sit beside them, reaching out for the first one.

Most of them have a quick note about where he bought it. Some just have a date written on them. But each one is addressed to me.

“Leslee?” he softly whispers my name when I’m over half-way through the pile.

I’m full out crying with my back to the bedroom door, shifting just enough so Joe can see what I found.

“I dropped your bag,” I sob the words out, more ashamed that he would think I was snooping than of my tears.

“Don’t cry, Le-Lee,” he murmurs, crossing to me.

“You didn’t forget me,” I croak the words out as I lift my arms up to him.

“I couldn’t. I needed you to forget about me,” he replies, scooping me up into his arms before turning and bringing us back to bed.

I’m loathe to be carried away frommypostcards. Each one that I cried over not receiving during the years he was gone is justification that I was right. Some part of him knew that I was meant to be his ride-or-die.

But once he lays me on that bed to start kissing my tears away, that worry slips from my mind. Then, when he finally moves down to lick and nip my breasts, I let out a long, contented sigh, knowing that he’s going to follow a long winding road of his own making, down to my pussy, and while I love what Joe does with his tongue once he gets there, I stop him.

“Um, things are about to get messy down there,” I warn him, pretending I’m strong enough to pull him away from his charted destination.

“Let me have my fill, while I can, then,” he replies, pushing my knees back apart.

“It broke my heart that night, Leslee,” he whispers to me afterward. “How upset you were. How adamant you were that you loved me. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I was going to give it another couple of months, wait until you went away to college before I went back. Then, Flint called.”

“I love you,” I tell him some hours later, feeling completely wrung out from all the orgasms and confessions.

Chapter 10


“I put a change of your clothes in my saddlebag, leave everything else. It’s time to move,” I tell Leslee, having waited until the sleep cleared a little from her eyes. “Don’t turn on any lights. Take the tunnel and I’ll circle around to pick you up.”

She sits up, looking down at the pile of clothes that I place on her lap, the walkie talkie sitting on top of them.

“Do you have my postcards?” Is the only thing she whispers in response to my instructions, and that they’re her top concern sends my pulse through the roof.