“Alex thought of everything when she rebuilt this place, there has to be a stash of condoms somewhere,” Leslee replies, giving me a lopsided grin as her fingers dance their way across my chest.
It’s when she slides her leg up over my hip and I see the unguarded wince of pain, that I decide against another round.
“Come on, why don’t I show you around town?” I counter, slapping her ass in an effort to get her moving. “We’ll go grab…um, whatever meal is appropriate for whatever time it is.”
“Are you tired of my cooking already?” she asks with a laugh.
“I’ll never be tired of your cooking,” I reassure her, sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed has her following close behind, weakening my resolve as she presses her tits against my back and nibbles on my earlobe. “Now get dressed or I’ll shove you into the truck naked.”
“Fine. I understand, you know,” she says, the sigh she lets out warns me a zinger is coming. “At your age, your stamina is starting to wane.”
I let her take the win, all the while thinking of how I’ll pay her back for that statement.
Chapter 9
“Yeah, I’ll have another beer and my Ol’ Lady and I will both have a cheeseburger, medium, hers with waffle fries and sweet potato fries for me,” I tell the waitress, not looking up at her as I slide the menus in her direction.
She stands over us, tapping her pen against the pad of paper like she’s expecting me to take my eyes off of my woman. Naw, all I’m interested in is the pretty blush that spreads across Leslee’s cheeks as her eyes widen in surprise.
The waitress finally gets the hint and walks away.
“Ol’ Lady?” She hesitantly repeats my words back to me. “Your Ol’ Lady?”
“I don’t know why you look so surprised. You’ve been that since I popped your cherry,” I tell Leslee before I take the final swig of beer from my glass and ignore the self-satisfied smile on her lips.
“I wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted. You always give me shit…”
“Why? ‘Cause I don’t let you run over me like you do everyone else? Yeah, I give you shit because no one else does, consider it a character builder. But I never would have fed you my cock if I wasn’t gonna wife you up.”
Reaching behind her head, I grab her braid and tilt her face back up at me, giving me a full view of her thoughts. Thankfully, I can read her like a book. Between the happiness in her eyes and the way her lower lip is trembling, I know she’s happy but on the verge of crying also.
It’s the blush that’s spreading downward from her cheeks that has me looking at her cleavage, peeking out from her V-neck shirt and teasing my cock when I see the matching pink spreading down her body.
Shoving my beer mug toward the other side of the scarred, wooden table, I stick my finger between her tits at the lowest point of the V and slowly drag it up until it’s under Leslee’s chin. At my touch, her eyes dart around to see if anyone’s paying attention; and yeah, I already know we have an audience.
“What have I said about showing these off to others?” I harshly ask her.
“I like V-necks, you’re just going to have to live with that.” Leslee’s fire overrides her embarrassment at being touched in public and she straightens her shoulders, jutting her chest up and out.
“Is everything alright here?” the waitress asks, heavily setting my new beer down and giving me a hard look before hesitantly reaching out to squeeze Leslee’s shoulder. “Do you need me to call someone for you, dear?”
Leslee’s eyes darken for a moment, before she realizes the implications and again, surprises me with the maturity of her response.
“Thank you for asking, ma’am,” she starts, reaching up to thread her fingers through mine, moving my hand from her chin to her thigh. “We’re good.”
Taking the hint myself, I release Leslee’s braid and grin at the waitress.
“Okay, you let any of us know if that changes,” the woman replies, before giving me a hard look. “You should know theowner trained the security camera on you, so we’ll have plenty of footage to show any law enforcement types that come asking.”
“Those burgers almost ready?” I ask, feigning boredom. “And another cola for my Ol’ Lady would be great.”
“Shit, so much for a lowkey place that’s off the radar,” Leslee whispers when the waitress leaves us.
“Yeah, but now we gotta sit here and eat slowly.”
“And hope to hell thatmy friendsdon’t have fake badges,” she adds, squirming in her seat.