Page 24 of Hyde

My legs give out with the first part of his update, and I find myself swung up into his arms as he crosses to the large recliner. His eyes holding mine as he repeats, “She’s safe.”

“Tell me.” I can’t believe the effort it took to get those two words out of my mouth. Focusing on the slow and steady beat of his heart through his chest and cut, I wait for the other shoe to drop. Because the shadows in his eyes have already told me there’s something else bothering him.

“They didn’t mess around with Parks, just put him down, but they weren’t firing directly at Leslee, so that tells me they want her alive. Um, our guy got there right in time to pick her up, he was nicked, but it was minor enough that she tended to the wound. He got her to Silver’s brother’s old place,” he informs me. “I spoke to her.”

“But, Jasper was going to send the Virginia chapter for her. Why was there only one guy? Why isn’t she at their clubhouse?” My voice gets louder with each word. It’s not like Jasper to change plans on a dime, he’s too methodical.

“Flint brought up a valid point, keeping her hidden for a while is easier done without dozens of people—some we don’t know, being involved. Vector agreed, and Flint called someone else to pick her up.” Now Gunner’s just stalling.

While I narrow my eyes at him, I focus on trying to get ahead of the chess game that Flint always seems to be playing.

“Who would Flint… No. No, he did not callthatman to secreteourdaughter for the duration of this…” I bellow in his face.

“Sweetheart, calm down.” Gunner tries to soothe me, tightening his arms to keep me on his lap. “I know, I wasn’t happy about it either, but it’s done.”

“Oh, youweren’thappy about it? Are you going to be happy being a grandfather? Because I am too fucking young to be a grandmother!” I only seem to have one volume right now, and the fact that Gunner isn’t immediately flying across the country to keep them apart, makes me even more furious.

“Riley, first of all, you like Hyde, remember? Second of all, he understands that she used to have a crush on him, but he’ll never touch her. Honestly, I think I’d be more nervous if it was any of the younger guys from Vector’s chapter. And if Hyde finally comes back here after all of this, then it’s a win-win.”

“Me liking that man has no bearing on me wanting him as a son-in-law. I respect, love, and need you more than the air I breathe, but you are fucking kidding yourself if you think she’s over him.” I ground out the words, watching them sink in. “Do you know how many times I’ve gotten the mail in the past four years? One time, the day she broke her ankle. The next day, she hobbled her butt down the driveway to the mailbox when I went to the bathroom. And wasn’t he supposed tostopsending the postcards at some point?”

“I trust Hyde, Riley. And Flint wouldn’t have…” the words are no sooner out of Gunner’s mouth than I see something click in his eyes. “Son of a bitch.”

“Bree misses Joe,” I softly prompt him. “And Flint’s not getting any younger.”

“And there’s nothing Flint wants more than to make Bree happy,” he concludes.Finally, I think, but save myself the eye roll; at least until he continues. “But that doesn't mean that Joe will cross that line.”

“Christ, Gunner, the only person nearly as diabolical as Flint, is Leslee.” I sigh, exasperated.

“Really? Because I’d put Xander about ten pegs above her,” Gunner says with a proud smile pulling at his mouth, and I lean up to kiss his full lips.

He deepens it, working out a release for the worry we’re both feeling, until I pull back. “That’s because she’s had you wrapped around her pinky since she popped out of me.”

“Mom’s right.” Xander’s voice startles both of us, and I look over to see our son peeking through a narrow opening of the door before he pushes through it. “Leslee’s only ever wanted to be with Hyde. Dad, you know you terrify the fuck out of all the guys, so you just assumed that’s why she wasn’t dating anyone. It was the perfect cover for her.”

“We’re gonna have a talk later, Xan,” Gunner tells him. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind twisting the bottom lock before you shut that door.”

Xander’s eyes widen, but our kids know us well enough that they back off when Mom and Dad want private time.

“Gunner, I want to talk to…”

“Tomorrow. We’ll get a different burner and call to check in,” he growls, gathering my hair tightly up in his large hand, and leaning in to kiss me. “I worked that out for you, after that we’re radio silent for a week.”

“I’m going to talk to her, then you and I are having a whole other conversation.”

“Yeah, but later,” Gunner says, before lowering me to the rug and doing his damnedest to distract me.

Chapter 7


Waking up the next morning, I adhere to my routine of slow stretches. Starting from my toes and moving upwards, I assess my aches and pains.

Considering how close I came to eating dirt yesterday, I decide that I’m luckier than I have any right to be. The only thing that bothers me more than my side, is my conscience.

Falling asleep when I was supposed to be guarding Leslee, seems like a small infraction when compared to how many times I’vethoughtabout her in the last eighteen hours.

While Alex has a full selection of board games tucked away in a cabinet, I decide that it’s probably best if we go out for a hike or down to the stream to fish for our dinner. That plan has the added benefit of keeping Leslee’s mind off of her troubles and tiring her out before tonight.