Page 9 of Hyde

“Shit, don’t fucking remind me,” I grunt.

“She cried for days afterwards,” he whispers. “The other night when she came in all upset, and she went from my arms to yours? I was relieved you wanted to hit the road. She needs to get some space from this idea she’s had, because she’s as stubborn as her parents. Nothing can come from it, I know that, but maybe with you gone...”

“The postcards?” I ask, torn between breaking a promise to a kid or acting with respect toward my brother.

“Send them, when you think of it. Let them fade off at some point, and we’ll deal with it. No hard feelings,” Gunner says. “That being said, you’re going to be missed around here. Not just in the MC, I mean.”

“Oh, I handled that other thing,” I say, pulling the baggie out of my pocket and tossing it to him. “That boy and me, we had a little talk about touching things that don’t belong to him.”

“Fuck, you didn’t mess around.” The grin on his face would worry most men, but the light in his eyes shows his appreciation.

Throwing back his drink, we head to join the others around the dining table. And I hate that I was right, tonight’s dinner isn’t like the hundreds I’ve eaten here over the years.

It turns out that the only thing worse than being around Bree when she’s on the edge of tears, is when Leslee is in the same condition.

One of the times she’s looking over her shoulder, trying to wipe her eyes without me noticing, I lean over and drop a spoonful of peas on her plate.

Gunner and Xander exchange a quick glance, but Riley misses it altogether.

I ignore Leslee’s intake of breath when she turns back and notices that I’vepollutedher dinner.

“What in the unholy hell is this?”

I look over at her, keeping my eyes averted from her plate, and raise an eyebrow in question. Riley’s snort gives no doubt where she’s placing the blame.

Leslee’s dislike of peas is as legendary as it is unexplainable. Her mom is hands down the best cook around, and when she serves peas they are perfect. I can understand disliking mushy, overcooked peas, but it’s like Riley only steams them for a moment. They’re always a little crunchy and warm.

“Don’t think I don’t knowhowthese abominations appeared on my plate!” She grounds out each word, picking the little pellets up and throwing them at me, one by one.

She might be making a big ole mess, but at least the fire is back in her bright, amber eyes. I look up at her mom to see that her matching amber eyes are filled with relief, and love.

“Le-Lee, have you ever seen me give up any food? Especially food that your mom cooked?” I ask, scooping up more of my peas to take a mouthful and moaning in contentment.

“Dad, you said you’d kill anyone who hurt me.” Leslee’s eyes take on a gleeful glint, never leaving my face as she tries to call in Gunner for reinforcement.

“Yeah, sweet angel, just not over peas,” he deadpans in between bites of his own meal.

“Especially not today,” Xander mutters and I glare at him. It’s when he reaches up to scratch at his nipple that my eyes cut over to Gunner.

“Xander! Outside. Now.” Gunner abruptly stands and turns to the door, not doubting that his son will follow him.

Damn, they have their hands full with that one, I think as I start stabbing the peas that landed on the table in front of me. I Give Leslee a teasing wink before eating those also.

Chapter 4


The next day I take for myself, using it to say goodbye to my favorite parts of this town.

As I’m about to head back to my parents’ house, I get a text from Molly.

Trinity is here with her daughter. She left her boyfriend. I’m sending Royce and the ‘monsters’ to dinner, but I need to stay home. Come to the bakery before you leave. Or else.

Fucking Trinity and her never ending drama.

Christ that woman has the worst timing. I used to pant after her something fierce, from the time she moved here, there was never a family party at the clubhouse that she didn’t come dressed to thrill.

But it was alllookanddon’t touch, with her. I wasn’t the only one chasing after her, but I was the first one Trinity agreed to go out with.