The very tongue that’s inside my daughter’s mouth right now.
I look away when she jumps up to wrap her legs around his hips, getting a round of cheers and laughter from the friends surrounding them.
“Fuck! This will happen to you one day, and let’s see how you like it,” I growl, turning my ire on one of my oldest friends.
“She’s happy, Gunner,” Jasper says, in his normal, even keel voice. For once, it truly bothers me; no matter that his level-head has saved this club, time and again. “It was like she was melting away, these past few years. Maybe we’ll never understand how or why Leslee decided Hyde was all she wanted, but considering he let you beat him without once raising a defense…”
I grunt, not wanting to admit what we all know. That stubborn motherfucker stood there and let me swing on him, over and over again.
He just took it.
I kept telling myself to stop, but then it occurred to me that he was letting me hit him because of all thewayshe had enjoyed Leslee; my mind flashing to when Riley and me first got together and she let me teach her everything I liked.
To say that my rage blinded me for a moment, is an understatement.
“Fuck, I need something stronger,” I moan as he helps her slip on his Property of Hyde cut. “Give me a minute.”
The far corner of the bar is the only space that isn’t overflowing with Grizzlies or townies and that’s because there’s a rope in place, holding a spot for Flint and Bree. Considering they aren’t here and the depth of my need right now, I unclip it so I can get close enough to place my order.
Malcolm’s working my end of the bar and immediately comes over to see what I need. He’s about to turn away when someone joins me, and his light blue eyes shift upwards to catch the next order.
“Shot of tequila,” Hyde answers his unspoken question before leaning closer to me. “Can we talk?”
I tilt my head to the left, indicating the empty barstool and brace myself for the conversation.
“You got cleared to drink, huh?”
“Le-Lee was tougher to convince than Tabby,” he chuckles, probably more because of the bottle that’s placed in front of me, than whatever my daughter has put him through.
“I wanted to make sure we’re good. Or if we aren’t, how we can get there,” Hyde starts and I open the bottle in front of me, pouring a healthy sized splash into the glass beside it. “I’ve looked up to you since the day Flint brought me in here and the friendship we had over the years is important to me.”
“If it’s so important to you, did keeping your handsoff ofmy daughter ever cross your mind?”
“Repeatedly. Look Gunner, I know I won’t ever deserve to have her as my Ol’ Lady, but I am going to spend the rest of my life being worthy of Leslee’s love and loyalty.” Hyde maintains eye contact with me when he assures me of his intention.
And he’s completely sincere. I already know that, and he’s damn well never going to cheat on or abuse my baby girl. Even if I die, Xander knows it will fall to him to handle Hyde if he crosses those lines.
“I expected more restraint, Hyde. And if that wasn’t going to be possible, I had hoped you would talk to me first.” Words, voicing emotions I hadn’t consciously entertained, bubble out of me and behind them is the same anger I felt the day I beat the shit out of him.
And that’s just it.
More than being my brother, Hyde’s been my friend for a long time, and it occurs to me that I hate the thought of him betraying that almost more than the idea of him… fuck, I don’t want to think of him with my daughter.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Gunner.” Although his apology is immediate, I see the pain in his eyes and know that he means it. “It wasn’t planned. I did everything I could to keep her at arm’s length—until I couldn’t.”
When I put my hand on his shoulder, I fight to keep from squeezing his collarbone too hard. It’s going to take me some time to get over this, but I need to clear up his one misconception.
“It was planned, Hyde,” I announce and his expression changes from remorseful to angry at the thought that I don’t believe him. “Flint has plans for all of us. Granted, no one could foresee the events that kicked this off, but I think Flint took the opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons with the Trinity situation and we all know how determined Leslee can be when she wants something.
“The thing is, I can’t let him slide and stay angry with you. That’s a little more hypocritical than the standards I hold myself too.”
“I’ve been chewing on how to ask him why he didn’t send one of Vector’s guys for Leslee, but at the end of the day, I keep thinking that I love her so much, is it worth pushing him onthispoint?” Hyde’s reply makes me grin, cause that kid has definitely learned a lot from Flint. I hope to be a fly on the wall the day that Hyde does push back against his adopted father. “But as far as you and me, I’m not going to sit here and make a dozen promises of how happy I’ll make her, Gunner. You’ve always said: ‘actions make the man’, so I’m going that route. If there’s anything you need from me, let me know.”
“Yeah, I need you to limit the PDA,” I snap back, drawing a laugh from him before he catches himself, shaking his head with a grin that tells me to fuck off.
“Weren’t you making out with Riley on the dance floor back when she was…” Hyde cuts off with a cough when I turn my glare up a few notches.
“Dad.” Leslee’s voice directly behind me startles both of us. “Are you being nice?”