“I’m glad you’re up,” Leslee says the moment I open the door to my room. “I wanted to go outside to see if there were berries I could gather, or any fruit trees, to add something fresh to our breakfast, but I need to know where the perimeter thingies are before I go out there by myself.”
I blink in her direction. Then I take in what she’s wearing and exhale. It isn’t the shorts that perfectly show off her long legs, so much as the fact she’s not wearing a bra and her headlights are pointed in my direction as she stands with a hand on one hip, waiting for me to respond.
Turning, I walk into the guest bathroom to relieve myself and splash some water on my face.Her eyes are above her chin, Icoach myself, staring at my reflection in the mirror.Fuck me. Her eyes are… dammit, Gunner’s gonna snap my neck.
Opening the door, I see her open her mouth and I hold up my hand to stop her.
“Is there coffee?” I ask her.
Her eyebrows are pulled close enough together to deepen the line between them and her lips remain pinched together when she finally shakes her head.
“Get dressed. We’re going to town.”
I’m not thinking clearly. I know that, but since Vector’s men aren’t coming with supplies, it’s up to me to handle that.
At least, she’s quick, I’ll give her that. By the time I’ve dressed, deactivated the alarm system, and located the keys for the old truck that Alex keeps in the barn, Leslee is ready to go.
“Get your hoodie, and keep your hair covered,” I instruct her, after giving her a once over. Remembering it from last night, I know it’s loose enough to keep her figure hidden also.
Leslee stays remarkably silent during the fifteen-minute ride to town, merely pointing out a parking space that I hadn’t seen across the street from the market. Twisting my head between her, the diner, and the store, I make a quick decision.
“Do you drink coffee?” I ask her.
“Okay, you go and start shopping. Plan on a couple of weeks of food, say for three people, just in case anyone shows up in the next few days. Keep your head down, and don’t do anything to stand out. I’m going to get a cup of coffee and I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Alrighty, see ya in a few,” she responds, reaching for the handle of the door.
I lay a hand on her shoulder just before she hops out. “Are we okay?” I check, worried about how quiet she’s being.
“Yeah, Dad doesn’t like talking much before coffee, so I figure you’re the same,” she responds looking nonplussed.
I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth in agreement, surprised at how relieved I am that she didn’t take my surliness the wrong way.
Remaining in the truck as she enters the store, I keep her in my sight long enough to make sure she’s keeping her hood up. Once I’m sure that she’s good, I head inside the town’s diner, which thankfully has surprisingly solid coffee.
Catching up with Leslee a short time later, I find my eyes focusing on her long legs but shake my head when I get to the long hem of her sweatshirt.
“Feel better?” she asks me, eyeing my to-go cup and I nod. “Good, go grab a bottle of vodka and whatever beer you want, from that section over there.”
The area she indicates has a doorway to a separate liquor store, with signs warning of severe consequences for minors.
“You that big of a drinker?” I ask, raising an eyebrow as I look down at her.
“My parents are fine with me drinking, within reason, of course, but I need the vodka for my pasta sauce. I’m going to make a big batch that we can just reheat as we go,” she explains, and I’ve had her mom’s lasagna enough times that I immediately turn to fulfill her order.
While I’m in there, I pick up one other item that catches my eye. Better safe than sorry.
It might be too much to hope for, but I think we made it to town and back without catching any unwanted attention.
Considering we’re in hiding and Leslee’s life is in danger, I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a day as much as today.
After the run into town, she spent the rest of the morning cooking—even chasing me away when I offered to help. I sat on the couch until I nodded off, but this time she was ready with coffee when she woke me up from my nap.
“Refill?” she asks, sitting across from me as she sips on a Diet Coke.