Except me.
Honestly, someone has to keep the big goon on his toes when Mom’s not around.
I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth before heading to the fridge to grab a couple of pops, then to the pantry. When I had closed myself in there earlier, I had noticed a few bags of snacks, so I grab one and stick the bag in between my teeth to keep from crushing the contents to bits.
“Wehdy,” I push the word out through my clenched teeth as I head to the door.
Hearing the guys chuckle, my eyes shift to the mirror next to the door in time to catch Dad holding his hands up like he’s about to strangle me. I step to the side, and tilt my head, showing my annoyance that he hasn’t opened the door for me yet.
“Brat,” he mutters, softening the word with a wink.
“Ov ewe, too,” I reply through my closed teeth just before he grabs the bag from my mouth.
Getting to the clubhouse, Dad parks around back and I instantly head inside to see what the kitchen holds today. Having only had ice cream and chips, I’m in need of some real sustenance before I get shipped off.
“Leslee!” Mom squeals as she stands up from peeking through the glass on the stove.
“Oh, thank God you’re cooking! I’m starving,” I exclaim, ignoring the worried look on her face as she wraps her arms around me. “And Dad’s stomach sounded like an earthquake.”
“Are you alright?”
“Of course, how long do you think before they’ll let me come back?” I ask her, leaning back from her arms when I feel her sharp intact of breath; belatedly realizing that she didn’t know about the decision to send me away.
“I thought we could talk this out together,” Dad says from behind me, his eyes locked on Mom’s face.
“Is there any possibility that I can stay without others being in danger?” I look between them, wondering about the silent conversation that they’re having.
“It might not be safe for you here, baby,” Mom whispers, her eyes filling with tears as she pieces together Jasper and Dad’s plan. “Not until this is settled.”
“But I didn’t do anything. It’s not like I kept or tried to sell the stash,” I exclaim, confused by everyone’s logic. “We have it now. We give it back.”
“Gunner, can’t we wait until you have more information? I mean it shouldn’t be that hard to track down Trinity,” Mom pleads with Dad, pressing her lips together when Royce enters the room.
“Riley! Leslee, I feel terrible about this.” Molly rushes in behind him, circumventing her Ol’ Man so he ends up on her heels as she joins our hug.
“You can’t take responsibility for her actions, sugar,” Royce interjects, dragging his hand through his hair. “Gunner, what do you need me to do?”
As the two of them exit the kitchen, Mom reassures Molly that Trinity is a grown ass adult who’s been given every opportunity to do the right thing, but never has.
Maybe I’m paraphrasing that a bit.
“Did I hear she jumped out of a window?” As I’m standing with my back to the entranceway, Betsy’s soft voice startles me.
“Unfortunately, not,” I mutter without thinking. Mom lets out a soft hiss, her eyes darting between Molly and me.
Molly’s bark of laughter cuts off my apology. “Leslee would have finished her off if she had.”
“Why do people keep saying that?” I ask, throwing my hands up in the air.
Mom presses her lips together like she always does when she’s trying not to laugh at something naughty Xander or I have done, but that goes out the window when her eyes meet Molly’s.
I start to turn to Betsy for help, until her laughter reaches me also.
“Let me know when the food’s ready.” Letting out a sigh, I leave the three of them in the kitchen to go track down my brother. Damn, of the two of us, I always figured he’d be accused of murder way before me.
Turning away from the main room, I catch sight of Xander leaning up against a wall further along the hallway, but stop myself before I call his name. When I get close to him, he turns his head, looking at me unblinking and keeping his lips pressed together. I nod, understanding his silent message, and tuck myself behind him, just as eager as he is to hear what Dad and Royce are talking about.