I move my hand and give his a squeeze before shoving myself out of my chair. “I’m solid. Let’s do it.”
Chapter Twenty
Ember walks out the front door, pulling me behind her. Not being able to see Lorcan doesn’t change the fact he’s following us. There’s a sizzle on the back of my neck that I sense when he’s close and invisible. Although, he’s made it clear before that he doesn’t offer that courtesy to others.
“What do I even say?” Ember stops dead in her tracks, spinning to face me.
I twist my wrist to move with her, so I’m not forced to drop her hand. The small amount of skin-to-skin contact soothes both my beasts and the man.
Bringing a hand up, I run my fingers over her soft cheek. “You tell them whatever it is you feel like they need to know.”
Her freckle-covered nose wrinkles. She’s stunningly beautiful, but she’s still healing. I’m not surprised she looks exhausted.
My lion is normally the most vocal of my animals, and now is no exception. He grumbles in my mind, making it clear we should get her back home as quickly as possible, so she can nest.
“I’m twenty-one years old,” she whispers, shaking her head. “I don’t have the experience or the know-how to run a pack.”
“You can,ifyou want to,” I add quickly. “You’ve already shown a better understanding of compassion and fairness than the previous alpha.”
Her head shakes again, making the braids Lorcan wove into her hair bounce. “My biological uncle was alpha for hundreds of years…” Her eyes clench closed. “I’m only alive because of some fucked-up history I really wish I hadn’t overheard my little brothers talking about, but even then, my biological father didn’t do any better. I truly believe power corrupts, and I don’t want to be anything like either of them.”
“Then, you won’t. I’ve lived a lot of years, and one thing I can assure you is this…” I gently brush her lower lip with my thumb until her eyes pop open. “We aren’t destined to fall into the same patterns as those who came before us. Any cycle can be broken in one generation, as long as you have the will to be the change.”
Lorcan’s hand lands on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze.
Ember studies my face. Her chest rises and falls as she takes in and exhales a heavy breath. “This place does seem like it needs some changes.”
“It does,” I agree. “But if you don’t want to be the one to follow them through, that’s okay too. I appreciate you saving me last night, but we all know you didn’t come here with the intention of claiming the pack.”
Ember squeezes the hand of mine that she’s still holding and nods. She’s a little green around the gills, like she might be sick. I release her cheek to wrap my arm under hers, bringing her closer. She doesn’t hesitate to melt into my chest.
Letting go of her hand, I move my other to her back, so she feels completely surrounded by the hug.
My lion has never been a cuddler, but he wants me to scoop her up and carry her back to bed. In his opinion, addressing the females of the pack can wait. His judgment may be compromised where Ember is concerned. He was licking herhair last night like a total lovestruck weirdo. If he’s not careful, she could run before we ever have time to tell her she’s our mate.
Ember circles her arms around my lower back and rubs her face on my pec. At one point last night, her nose was stuffed in my armpit while she slept. It’s strange to be so physically close to someone, but it’s also easy because that person is her.
“Do you want me to tell Sofia to dismiss everyone? We can always try again tomorrow.” I bend and nuzzle my cheek against the top of her head while trying not to let myself obsess about how I just saidwelike I have the right.
She sighs. “No, they’re all waiting to see if I show my face today and what kind of condition I’m in if I do. We have to do this now.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
She stretches up on her tiptoes, kissing the edge of my mouth. “Thanks, Anders. I’ll be okay.”
My heart races as she lowers back to the ground. I don’t know when we got so comfortable with each other, but in no way, shape, or form am I complaining.
There are less than thirty females scattered around the room, but they watch with rapt fascination as Ember paces the front of the meeting hall.
Sofia has already grabbed my arm once to stop me from interceding. After her brief introduction and explanation that Aimes is dead, I thought that was the end of it, but it seems there’s more to come.
Ember finally stops her steady stride and turns back to face the audience. “What I’d like to know is if you feel safe here?” She glances around, but every time she attempts to make eyecontact, the person looks away. “Okay, maybe that was a silly question. What will help you feel safer as a part of this pack?”
“Most of us aren’t shifters,” an older woman in the back calls out.
“But you live on pack lands,” Ember says as her nose scrunches. “Or is that an assumption too?”