Page 59 of Ember's Claim


The little wolf can track me through our half-formed bond. The realization sends a pulse directly to my cock. It’s an inappropriate time, considering she’s saying her goodbyes to the crowd as Anders and Sofia stand at her sides.

I vaguely wonder what’s happening with Cohen and the pretty but cold fae. Rogue seems just the type to chew up and spit out my dear friend, but I believe he would enjoy the process. And that’s enough for me to not intercede. Either way, Cohen is capable of looking out for himself, and knowing Calyx will be around is the added factor that allows me to calmly stay in the moment here.

Peeking at Ember, I see she’s still talking to two of the female wolves. That’s a good first step. I don’t know those wolves by name, but both have packs of their own at home. Their experiences here will surely filter to their men.

What’s that saying?

Happy wife, happy life.

A giddy excitement fills my chest. I’ve waited for what feels like an eternity to finally meet the person the universe views as my other half.

And she’s finally here.

I slide past Ember and the others to do a full sweep of the exterior. They’ll be leaving shortly, and I’d like to check for any dangers that could be lurking around.

I vaguely wonder if her dragon is back yet. It has to have been two or three hours since he left.

“Okay, just one quick stop wherever you think the males might congregate, and maybe we can head back to Anders’s house for a nap?” Ember strides out the door with Anders right behind her. “I feel like total trash, which is unusual, with the full moon only two nights away.”

“Why don’t we deal with the males another time, then?” Anders suggests with an optimistic, or possibly delusional, tone to his voice.

“Now is good. I don’t like putting things off,” Ember says, rolling her shoulders back. “Where the hell is Veryn? It feels like he’s been gone forever, and it’s starting to stress me out.”

“The dragon has a nightmare watching his back.” I allow myself to appear at her side. “He’ll be fine. Now, if I were a betting man, I’d check the practice rings. It’s where you’re likely to find Aimes’s remaining lackeys.”

There’s a very unique standoff occurring in the rings this fine morning.

Bryant, Toby, and several enforcers from Burke’s time as pack leader stand on one side of the ring. The other side is lined with assholes I recognize from their ability to follow Aimes about with their noses all simultaneously shoved up his arse.

“A few might have feelings about you stepping in before Aimes placed judgment on me,” Anders says in barely more than a whisper. “Technically speaking, until he killed me or stated my punishment…”

“Got it,” Ember says, appraising the crowd. The intricate braids I placed in her hair bounce as she tugs off the leather jacket. Several inches of bare skin is on display around the bottom of her tank top and above her jeans. I struggle against the unnatural urge to lick it. The partially formed matebond is pulling us together in all sorts of delicious ways.

Ember turns, rising on her tiptoes to give Anders a peck on the cheek. “I’m happy you’re alive, and I would step in again without hesitation.” She swivels to me. “All right, stalker. You get to give me a kiss for good luck.”

I chuckle and bend to brush my lips over hers as my hand lands on her tight ass to give it a squeeze. “Give ’em hell.”

Anders steps closer to my side as we follow the spitfire toward the ring. A wooden fence lines the approximately twenty-foot circle. The flooring is worn down to dirt in some places, unlike the lush grass outside of the barrier.

Ember hits the fence, using the bottom rung as a step to launch herself over the six-foot-high top barrier. She lands in a crouch as sand flies up around her feet.

“I’ve been informed some of you might havefeelingsabout my actions last night.” Ember spins in a circle. “If that’s the case, I’d like to offer you this opportunity to make those feelings known.”

“Are you asking someone to challenge you, Alpha?” Toby calls out, running his hand through Kent’s hair. Toby is Sofia’s other living mate. I’d say the boy biologically belongs to Burke. Although, Anders has made it clear they don’t know for sure.

I believe I would also rather not know if our family pack ever chooses to procreate. It might be tempting to use my magic, butI believe I could hold out. Of course, it would become clear once they were older and took after their biological father’s nature, as all male children of omegas do.

“If any of you feel I didn’t earn my place as alpha…” Ember shrugs. “Then, yes, challenge me. If you’d like to spar, I’m open to that too.”

The side filled with Aimes’s supporters chuckles and whispers. My hearing is nowhere close to the level of a shifter. I’m unable to pick out exactly what’s being said, but Anders stiffens next to me. That, combined with the condescending tone, tells me all I need to know.

Ember nods, and something in her posture changes. “It’s okay. If no one is feeling brave, I’ll just leave you to it.”

One particularly foolish individual hoists himself over the railing. “I’ll spar with you.”

“I remember you from the cells.” Ember points at his chest. “I meant to ask, what did the other three prisoners do to end up in there?”