“You need rest. I’ll keep watch.” He kisses Ember’s temple and releases her hand. “I’ve got to make some phone calls, anyway. And I have a feeling we’re going to need to hit the ground running tomorrow morning to do damage control.”
Ember’s head rolls around the back of the couch, and she groans. “Okay, being closer to the bathroom might not be a bad idea. I have no clue why my stomach is so upset. Is that a side effect of the healing tonic?”
Veryn snorts. “I’m guessing that’s a side effect of eating the fucker’s heart. That might have been overkill, but it sets a nice tone.”
“Shit, I forgot about that,” I whisper, moving to stand. It was impressive, but I’m sure it’s to blame for why she feels so unwell. “I did try to warn your wolf that he liked to coat his fur in wolfsbane, but she wasn’t in the mood to hear anything I had to say.” I hold out my hands, but Ember doesn’t open her eyes.
Ignoring the side-eyeing I receive from the two men, I move to kneel on the cushion, so I can get a solid hold to lift her. I scoop her up like a bride as she grunts.
“I’m getting some wicked déjà vu, Anders.” Ember pats my chest. “Let’snotdo this again sometime soon.”
“She’s precious.” Lorcan sighs dreamily. “I’ll find my way to your guest room at some point, but I intend to freshen the wards on the house before I attempt to sleep.”
Giving a clipped nod, I take off with the grumbling wolf before anyone can stop me.
Tomorrow will indeed be a day of change and reckoning. The alpha needs to heal and rest much longer than the hour nap she had earlier. Not that morning won’t be here all too soon.
I take the stairs slowly and steadily to keep from jostling Ember. My chest puffs up as she cuddles closer to my skin.
I found a pair of basketball shorts in the dryer, but she and Veryn were in my room, so it wasn’t like I could fully change.
Although, I did take a quick shower in the downstairs bathroom. Ember, however, is still covered in dried blood. It doesn’t matter. I’ll need to change my sheets tomorrow, anyway.
“How do you know the druid?” she asks softly as I kick my bedroom door closed behind us.
“He saved my life when we hit a storm off the coast of South Africa…” I frown, trying to do the math. “A long time ago. Lorcan and Cohen fished me out of the water using their magic. Cohen is a warlock. He’s also the one I sent to retrieve Aimes’s remains.”
“I’m confused. Why did the alpha lock up your sister?” Her hair tickles my abs as her head shakes. “If we already talked about this, I’m sorry. Everything is so hazy.”
“My brother-in-law Burke took over the pack five years ago.” Luckily, my blanket is already bunched at the end of the bed, so I place her on the sheet before pulling the comforter up and tucking it around her. She scoots over, and I take that as an invitation to lie on the edge.
“Five years ago…” She squints. “Was he the first alpha after Carson?”
I shrug.
“If that was his name. I’ve never been part of the pack. I visited when Kent was born, but I didn’t pay much attention. Not until I got the call from Sofia…” I go on to explain how Aimes played dirty in the alpha challenge, killed Burke, and took the pack. “He wanted to claim her. Having a full-blooded mate would have helped solidify his claim.”
“I really have no idea why I thought wolves are monogamous,” she mutters, rolling on her side to face me. “I’m so fucking sorry your sister lost her mate, and Kent…” Her eyes clench closed. “I can’t even imagine losing one of my dads. They’re larger than life to me, ya know?”
“You need rest,” I murmur, running my fingers through her hair. “Morning will arrive before you know it.”
“In case I forget, remind me that I want to see the females of the pack tomorrow. I need to make sure they understand things are going to change around here.”
My head tilts.
I believe she said she had no interest in leading the pack. “I’ll remind you. Now sleep.”
“Thanks, Anders. Your bed smells exactly like you. It’s really nice.”
My eyes glow with the combination of amber and yellowy-gold that indicates my animals are fighting for control. They’re both quite content with the idea that she enjoys our scent, but I tune them out as they argue over…something.
Ember snuggles nearer, like she did earlier, and it’s even more proof that she’s also my mate. Her bond with the dragon is so fresh, there’s no other way her wolf would allow her to be so close to me.
I’ve been lonely for so long, it’s a hell of a feeling just having her this close. I’m not as pushy as Lorcan, but I have no intentions of letting her escape.
Chapter Eighteen