“Where’s Kent?” I ask as she forces the liquid into my mouth. It’s warm and chunky, but I swallow, anyway.
“Here,” Kent says. I jolt as he appears at the arm of the couch out of nowhere. “Let me pinch your nose. It always helps when she gives me gross stuff.” He doesn’t wait for my approval.
I fight the urge to slap away all the hands that are touching me.
I got enough hugs as a kid.
I’m also not going to be rotten when they’ve obviously had a rough go of it lately too. The warm sludge in the cup continues to pour into my mouth.
I sputter and choke, but somehow manage to get it all down.
“The worst thing I can do is interfere with your body’s ability to heal itself.” Sofia stares straight into my eyes.
I’m a little impressed. It’s rare that someone can keep eye contact with me without blinking.
It frustrates me in my day-to-day life.
Most people look at each other while speaking, but the dominance in my gaze forces most to glance away. It’s not something I can turn off at will, and it got old years ago.
“You need rest while the tea does its job,” Sofia says, standing. Her long hair is greasy and knotted. The dress she’s wearing is mostly gray, but I have doubts that it started that color.
“Thank you.” I bow my head in a nod of respect.
Anders still has his arm wrapped around my lower back, but he stretches out a hand to stabilize his sister.
“I need a good meal.” She gives a tight smile, but it’s forced.
“Thanks, Alpha Ember,” Kent says, patting my head with his small hand.
“Anytime, but just Ember is good,” I reply as my head gets heavy.
There’s some low murmuring, but I feel all warm and tingly inside.
I hope they didn’t poison me.
I don’t know Anders.
What if he wanted to be alpha?
I assumed he challenged the alpha to get his sister released, but I should be a lot more vigilant.
Being injured is no excuse.
“Would you like some water? Is there anyone I should call?” Anders asks.
“If you poisoned me, I’ll kill you.”
“Of course, you’re feisty,” he murmurs, nuzzling his cheek to mine. “Rest, Alpha. I’m here. I’ll watch over you.”
Chapter Fourteen
The North American Pack has a female alpha. The news is going to spread like wildfire. Not just a female alpha…
A smoking hot female wolf who took down Aimes like it was no problem. If he hadn’t played dirty, she would’ve made it out of the challenge with little more than scratches.
We need to ensure his body is prepared for the ceremony.