Page 39 of Take My Crown

I’ve never been happier of a free period than first thing that Monday morning. I need time to myself to prepare for the inevitable encounter with Archer. We have politics together and much as tempted as I am to skip class, I know Pilkington would tell my father and then I would be in serious trouble. I’m going to have to suck it up and pretend like nothing happened between us.

But it seems like I wasn’t going to get that time out after all.


As soon as I walk into the usually quiet common room, Milly comes running at me from the other side of the room.

“Hey Milly.” I try to smile like I mean it, but seeing my friend only reminds me of her brother and what might have been if things had been different.

“Your party was amazing,” she gushes. “I tried to come and talk to you, but every time I got close, someone asked you to dance and I didn’t want to get in the way. I’m really glad Archer got to have the first dance with you. I know how much it meant to him. He can’t stop talking about it and how he hopes you enjoyed the party. He talks about you all the time, you know.”

“He does?” It is hard to imagine the usually quiet Archer being so open about his feelings with his sister.

“He really likes you,” Milly tells me. “I know you’re still trying to get over the boy you dated at boarding school, but I really think you should give Archer a chance.”

“The boy at boarding school?”

“Yes. Archer told me all about him, how you broke up with him when you knew you were coming to the Academy because you didn’t want to do the long distance thing. That you aren’t ready to date anyone else just yet. That’s right, isn’t it?”

I have to tell her the truth about her beloved brother, that he made a pass at me and I turned him down because of our history. But something in me wanted to let Archer keep some self-respect with an explanation of why I wasn’t interested.

“I don’t like to talk about it,” I say.

“I understand,” Milly smiles. “But honestly, you should give Archer a chance. He’s so sweet. I know he has this big, mean exterior, but underneath it all he’s just a romantic softie, believe it or not.”

Thinking back to our kiss, I can believe it.

“Archer! Archer!”

I cringe, as Milly spots her brother coming into the room and beckons him to join us. Luckily, he sees Milly, but ignores her.

“Archer!Archer! Over here!”

Archer knows his sister well enough to know she isn’t going to let it go, so he eventually comes over, avoiding looking at me as he sits next to Milly.

“I was just telling Ivy here that she should give you a chance and go out on a date with you,” Milly says.

“What have I told you about interfering in my love life?” Archer coldly replies. “Ivy doesn’t need you bothering her about me.”

“It’s okay,” I say. “Milly’s given me a different perspective on things and I was thinking that maybe the time’s come for me to get over… Derek.”

“Derek?” Archer raises an eyebrow.

“You know,” says Milly impatiently. “The guy she was dating at boarding school, the one you were telling me about.”

“Oh yes. Derek.” Archer smirks and tries not to laugh. “Derek the loser. So you think you might be ready to move on?”

“Maybe,” I shrug. “I was thinking about what you said last night and I guess the time’s come for me to accept that my life’s changed for good. I need to move on and accept how things are. Which means being the representative of House Archaic my dad wants me to be… and starting to date other guys.”

“Is that so?” Archer tries to keep his tone casual, but he isn’t a good enough actor to cover his obvious interest.

“It is,” I nod, taking a deep breath. “Which is why I was thinking that if a certain someone were to ask me out on a date, maybe I would say yes this time.”

“Oh, my god! We’re going to be sisters!” squeals Milly before Archer can say anything, throwing her arms around my neck.

“We haven’t even gone out on a date yet. Heck, Archer hasn’t evenaskedme on a date yet.” Gently, but firmly, I pull Milly’s arms away from me. “Don’t go picking out that bridesmaid dress just yet.”

“Of course you’re going to go on a date,” she says. “And you’re going to have the best time and fall in love and realise you two are perfect for each other.”