And in that moment?
Theo knew he screwed up.
It had beenthree days since that night.
Three. Long. Days.
She wasn’t sure how she got through that evening and honestly didn’t remember anything else that Theo said that night. He either lied straight to her face, or he had no clue that whoever owned the orange SUV was romancing her on the side – and it was galling to think that it could be one of his teammates or an employee at the arena. Everyone was a suspect if it wasn’t him – and if it was? How could he lie to her like that? She doubted everything now and had no idea what to believe anymore.
Her suitor was back, too.
It wasn’t just the little things here and there, either. It was like he was aware that she was onto him. He left a small notebook with five poems written inside. Another evening, he left her a candle with a note that ‘Home is when I see your smile’… but how could that be, when she didn’t know who it was anymore? She was so angry, hurt, and disappointed that it wasn’t Theo – that it was bitterly nauseating. Was he incapableof being so sweet… and if it was him, then why would he lie to her?
Would you like to try another French-Canadian recipe? It’s called Tortaire. It’s a meat pie with spices and potato in a buttery crust. I don’t make it often, but I thought you might like it. It’s divine with ketchup on top.
No, thank you.
Are we okay?
Why wouldn’t we be?
Are you hungry?
Are you avoiding me?
I’m not childish like that…
Her cell phone rang a moment later. Answering it, she steeled herself, not knowing what to expect.
“What’s going on,mon âme sœur?”
“What do you mean?”
“We were talking, ‘aving such a nice time, and it was like everything… ‘poofed.’”
“Is that a French term?Poofed?”
“No. It’s a scary one that means my best friend is ignoring me.”
“I’m not ignoring you – or I wouldn’t have answered the phone.”
“Something is wrong between us,” he said softly, and she almost broke at the fragility of those words hanging in the air. “And I’m scared, Aimee.”
“I’m scared, too,” she admitted. “I need time to think.”
“So, itisme then…?”
“I think maybe it’s me too.”
“Do you want to come to the game on Friday?”
“Can I wallop you with a stick in the shin?”