I hit the button, biting down as I tightened my jaw through the warnings that kept going off in my mind. I should have welcomed this. I should have latched onto this new slave and never looked back. I wasn’t, which was ironic. All I had wanted now for years was Maggie. Now that I was getting a taste of some sort of familiarity of her energy, I was hesitant to take it. I wanted the woman I was in love with. I didn’t want a replacement, and maybe even intoxicated, I could see the possibilities of that.
Lights flashed from the previous Master’s number as he outbid me, and I hit the button again, cursing myself as he did the same. With the handful of Masters present, it could have been anyone. Back and forth we went. It didn’t take long before our bidding war wasn’t about the money or the slave and all about the determination to fucking win.
“Son of a bitch.”
The deep tone from one of the private balconies above had me smiling as I relaxed even more into the chair. Money wasn’t an issue. I didn’t give a shit how far he wanted to drive the slave’s price up. I wasn’t backing out. I kept my stare on the woman who was putting her full attention on me. I wasn’t hiding that I was in this bidding war. I kept my elbow positioned on the arm of the chair, clicker in the air as I kept pushing it. B-eight-forty-two would know…the Master who was fighting me to have her would know…This slave was mine, and I didn’t give a shit what either one of them wanted.
“I thought that was you! Bastard.”
I hit the button again, turning to look up to the first balcony level, four rooms down. My laugh couldn’t be contained as I stood.
“So, you’re Master Twenty-two.Jett LaRoe. Does your mother know you’re down here?”
“Ha.I’m aMasterhere. I’ve been spilling blood since I was a young teen. I’m legal and in college now; I’m good. Besides, I don’t make it a point to see my mother if I can help it. She’s off…doing her own thing.”
“Analyzing people?”
“Fucking their heads up, no doubt.”
I glanced back at the screen, seeing my number flash, indicating I was the winner. I locked eyes with the slave, watching as the guards quickly escorted her out.
“Little out of your price range, isn’t she, LaRoe?”
“I was going to ignore that part.” He laughed, something in his thoughts narrowing his eyes. “I could have gotten away with it. You owe me, Rivers. You remember that. She’s…a good one. Have fun.”
I laughed, glancing back up. “I plan to. Good luck finding a slave. I’m headed to go get mine.”
His head turned as a youngwbegan walking to the stage.
“Oh,I’ll have fun. This one will do, right here. Have you ever seen anyone perform a lobotomy, Rivers?”
My lips separated at his question. His dark hair had his light green eyes shining as he kept his gaze locked on the terrified virgin who headed for the stairs.
So, that’s what he was doing with them. Perhaps the apple hadn’t fallen too far from the tree. His mother, Melissa, Mistress Two, was a shrink here. She was foundation at the Gardens and very established in our outside circle of elites. She was like Elec. She had this power to hypnotize or…make you believe unimageable things. Supposedly, she was the one who taught Elec everything he knows. What had she taught Jett about the mind? Anything? Nothing? He was probably more under her control than he realized.
“I haven’t seen one. Someday, you’ll have to show me.”
“I’d love to. You can’t imagine what I can do. I’m full of tricks. Find me when you’re ready to watch an exciting show.”
I nodded. “I’ll do that.”
As I headed to the aisle and towards the exit, I couldn’t stop from looking over my shoulder, back to the stage. That girl was doomed, and she had no idea what she was in for. That could have easily been my new slave. That could have been my new Maggie dying again. The thought had a weird twinge tugging in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn’t even centered on the woman. It was all about the lack of control I held. If someone else killed her, I couldn’t control that. If it were me…If I did it, that would be okay. But Jett. Anyone else…
I didn’t like the cord of attachment that was put into place when I put the slave in hypothetical danger. It invented feelings that weren’t true. Emotions that shouldn’t exist. I hadn’t even got her to my apartment and already I felt the need to protect what was mine. To fight for it. And…shewasmine. But she wasn’t real. She wasn’t Maggie.But I’d make her into Maggie.And then when it was time, I’d lay her to rest on my own terms. I didn’t get to do that. I never got to say goodbye.
Would I ever?No.
Heading through the exit, I let my steps eat up the distance of the hall. It wasn’t crowded, and aside from a man and slave leaving the room I was headed to, not a soul was in sight. I slowed as I approached, taking a deep breath before entering.
Just like the other smaller auction rooms, this one was filled with black leather sofas. Behind a tall desk in the back was a guard, staring down at a tablet. He stood by the doors to the waiting cells. Aside from me, the room was empty. Was it really so late?
No wallet. No phone. No watch. What the fuck had I been thinking?
As I headed for the guard, I knew what had been on my mind. Maggie lived there, laughing and kissing me. Loving me. Newly engaged to me again. How had eight months together felt like forever, and yet no time at all? Eight months…had consumed me for more years than I wanted to think about. Eight months…It sounded stupid. Unreal. My heart or brain didn’t give a shit. When your life revolved around responsibilities and duties, all you wanted was someone to help ease the hell that had been cast on you. At least that’s what I had wanted. I thought my life would be better with her warmth. Her love. I thought I stood a chance at happiness with more than a betrothed or partner. I never needed help. What I needed was a loyal woman who put me first and was ready to take on the world at my side. Maggie had wanted that. She made me believe it with her plans of our future and those kisses she used to seal the deal. I had been so excited, relieved even. But then Jake made her fall in love with him. Maggie went from genius business major to mom. He snuffed out her spirit and kept her focused on their family instead of her passion. As if she wasn’t strong enough to do both.