Page 30 of Pyne

“How much for Becca’s freedom? I have money now. Name your price.”

My throat suddenly goes dry as a wild, desperate hope surges through my veins. Could it be possible? Could Pyne really buy my freedom, here and now, with some of the very prize money he earned in this twisted competition?

Gorgax’s eyes narrow, his gaze calculating as he looks Pyne up and down. “Every credit in that purse.” His tone is smug,avaricious, as he tips his head toward the blue velvet drawstring bag. “And not a credit less.”

I gasp, my hand flying to my mouth. It’s an outrageous sum, far more than any slave could ever hope to fetch. But Pyne doesn’t even blink as he almost tosses the bag to Gorgax, then stays his hand.

“It’s a deal.” Pyne’s voice is steady and sure. “When the papers are signed, you’ll get your money. Have the transfer papers drawn up immediately. Becca leaves with me today, a free woman.”

Gorgax’s gaze focuses on the heavy bag as though it were a lover. “I’ll bring the official papers within anhoara.” He takes a threatening step forward as though his spindly body could do harm to the gladiator at my side. “I’ll know if it’s even one credit short.”

As he scurries from the room, I turn to Pyne, my eyes wide and shining with unshed tears. “Pyne, I… I don’t know what to say. You didn’t have to do that, to spend all your money on me. You risked your life for those credits.”

He silences me with a finger to my lips, his gaze soft and tender. “You’re worth ten times that. You’re worth everything, Becca. Everything and more. I would have spent every last credit I had, sold my very soul, to set you free. Because I love you more than life itself. Becca, I swear to the Goddess I will never let you go again.”

The tears I’ve been holding back finally spill, cascading down my cheeks in a torrent of joy. Throwing myself into Pyne’s arms, I cling to him with all my strength. “I love you too,” I whisper, my voice choked with emotion. “I never dreamed… I never thought I could have this, have someone as wonderful as you. It’s like a miracle, a Christmas miracle.”

He chuckles softly, his breath warm against my ear. “Not a miracle, sugarplum. Just the power of love, and the strength of a bond that nothing in this universe can break.”

We stand like this for a long moment, lost in each other, savoring the reality of our new future stretching out before us. But our reverie is broken by a sudden chime from the wrist-comm that was recently returned to Pyne. The device flashes with an incoming message.

He taps the screen, then reads the display. “It’s theDevil’s Playground.” He can’t hide the excitement in his voice; those beautiful blue eyes are sparkling with happiness. “They’re here, orbiting the planet. Wondering why I’ve been out of touch. They’re waiting to take us home.”

Home. The word echoes through my mind, a promise and a prayer all in one. Home, not just a place, but a feeling, a sense of belonging and love and family. Home, with Pyne, surrounded by his friends as we forge a new life among the stars.

I take his hand, my fingers lacing with his, marveling at the way they fit together so perfectly. “Let’s go,” I say, my heart soaring with optimism and excitement. “Let’s go home.”

After I receive my official papers of freedom and the hateful collar is removed from my neck, we step out into the bright Cryosyne sunlight. I can’t help but laugh, the sound bubbling from deep within my chest. It’s a laugh of pure, unadulterated joy, a release of all the fear and doubt and hopelessness that had weighed me down for so long.

Pyne joins in, his laughter mingling with mine as he lifts me and twirls me as though I weigh nothing. We’re giddy with the sheer, unbelievable reality of our newfound freedom. We must look like a pair of lovestruck fools, dancing and giggling in the middle of the street, but I couldn’t care less. For the first time in my life, I am truly, emphatically happy.

“We did it,” I gasp, breathless and beaming. “We really did it. We’re free, Pyne. Free to be together, to build a life, to chase our dreams among the stars.”

He cups my face in his hands, and spears me with a look, so sincere, so raw, so honest, so full of passion, I wonder if we’ll ever need to exchange another word.

But Pyne says, “We’ve paid our dues, Becca. Perhaps the gods will smile on us from now on. And if they don’t, we’ll handle whatever they throw at us, because our love is strong enough to face anything.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


As Pyne’s phaeton shuttle docks with theDevil’s Playground, I try to control my rising panic. It’s one thing to leave slavery behind for a shot at a better life, and quite another to meet a crew of gladiators who might treat me like most of the other aliens I’ve encountered since my abduction—like more of a thing than a sentient being.

I glance at Pyne, who sees my fear and tucks me closer against his muscular body.

“They’ll love you, sugarplum. There are a million things to worry about in this galaxy, but not thePlayground’screw.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head as the airlock hisses open.

Stepping onto the ship, we’re greeted by a swell of noise—cheers and applause. The crew of theDevil’s Playgroundsurrounds us, their faces alight with welcome and camaraderie.

“Pyne, you old space dog!” A huge, scarred gladiator with flaming red skin claps Pyne on the back, nearly knocking him over. “About time you made it back. And with a pretty little mate, too!”

Mate? I swallow, my eyes widening in shock. Funny, no one else on board bats an eye at his statement. After a moment to think, I decide being Pyne’s mate sounds wonderful, though we’ll have to talk about it.

“Watch it, Stryker,” Pyne laughs, shoving him playfully. “Becca hasn’t agreed yet.”

This statement is met with a dozen questions, so Pyne interrupts the barrage by adding, “Because I haven’t asked her.”

“Do you have eyes, Pyne?” This is said with a scoff by an almost-human-looking male with a cyborg arm. “What thedrackare you waiting for?”