“You should be ashamed of yourself for talking to her like that,” Mom says.
“I am so fucking sick of you people,” I shake my head and walk past her with Rowan following. Rowan and I sit across from the four others on the loveseat.
“We need to tell you a few things but know it’s not up for discussion. We are just telling you what we need you to do,” Dad says.
“What?” I sigh.
“Isaac and Harper are getting married and you are going to be her maid of honor,” Dad says and I laugh.
“No, I’m not,” I say simply.
“Yes, you are. She is your sister,” Dad says lowering his tone.
“Last time I checked, I am twenty-six. I am not having anything to do with her or her wedding,” I say.“Also, if they are getting married, why do you want me to hear him out?”
“Then who will be her maid of honor?” Mom asks.
“I don’t know or care, Mom. It’s not my day to give a shit about Harper,” I say.
“We can come back to that in a second. We have something more important to worry about,” Dad says.
“It will still be a no, but okay. Go ahead,” I say.
“So, when your sister had cancer as a kid, the treatments she underwent put a lot of stress on her organs,” Dad says.
“Okay?” I say, uncaring.
“Harper is in kidney failure and needs a transplant,” Dad says.
“And you two made sure that I was a perfect match for whatever she may need,” I deadpan.
“In short, yes,” Dad says.
“So, let me get this straight,” I say. “Harper is in kidney failure, and you want me to have a major surgery to give her one of my kidneys?” I ask.
“Yes,” Dad says seriously.
“After I literallyjustcaught her actively fucking my fiancé… Whoshe is now marrying?”
“None of that matters right now, Anika,” Dad says with a warning in his tone.
“Yes, it does,” I say, raising my voice. “I get that I only exist so that she could survive cancer, but you no longer have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body. You no longer get to put me through bone marrow transplants and test after test. I amnotgiving her anything.”
“She will die without this,” Mom says.
“I said no. I’m not doing it. I don’t wish death on anyone, but I am not doing it,” I say calmly.
“We are not giving you a choice, Anika,” Dad says.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I ask, sitting up.
“It means we have the ability to deem you incompetent for mental health reasons. Once we do that, we can sign for anything we want,” Dad says.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I scream at him as I stand up. Everyone else stands with me.
“Stop screaming,” Mom says.
“Fuck you,” I snap at her. “Fuck all of you.” Rowan touches his hand to my back, and I know he is about to take me out of here. “I’m done. I’m done with all of you.” I turn to Rowan. I need support to get out of here.