“Don’t feel bad. I basically called myself fat this morning. I meant to keep that thought inside my head,” Annie says with a laugh.

“Oooo. Yeah. That’s unfortunate,” I laugh. “Did you say it in a bad way or just a statement?”

“Either way is bad,” Theo says.

“No, it’s not. I can say that something makes me look bigger and not be talking bad about myself,” I say as I sip my coffee.

“Explain,” Theo says as he steps closer.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Max says with a smirk.

“I just mean I can say that this dress makes me look fatter and not mean it in a bad way,” I say. Theo stalks closer but I stand my ground.

“It’s too early for you to already be a brat,” Theo says as he boxes me in.

“Fat is not a bad word. I have known my whole life that I am bigger. Yes, my family meant it negatively but I’m starting to see the difference between how they meant it and what is reality,” I say.

“Anika,” Theo says as he looks at me like he’s going to bend me over something again.

“Is fat a bad word, Theo?” I ask him.

“No,” he says with a gruff tone.

“Then why is it bad to refer to myself as fat?” I ask.

“Because if you say it, you are saying it because it was taught to you as an insult,” he says.

“No. By definition, I am fat. Fat simply means to carry excessive weight on you. I hate to break it to you, but I am and always have been overweight from a medical standpoint. Weight has nothing to do with beauty and I’m noticing that you people clearly don’t have an issue with it. I can call myself fat and not mean it badly,” I explain.

“You are a brat, you know that?” he asks, and everyone laughs.

“If I have to admit when I do wrong, so do you,” I say.

“Fine. You are right, there are situations where it is not meant negatively,” he says as he steps back from me.

“Annie, did you mean it negatively?” I ask her.

“I did not. I was just referring to the way my shirt appeared. I still think it looks nice considering I’m wearing it,” she says with a smirk, knowing I’m about to make him apologize.

“I think you owe your wife an apology, Theo,” I say with a smile.

“She’s right, ya know,” Max chuckles. Theo sighs and turns to a still-smiling Annie.

“Annie, I apologize for assuming you meant it negatively and punishing you for my assumptions,” he says as he cups her face.

“It’s okay,” she smiles and kisses him. “I enjoy pissing you off anyhow.”

“God, you’re both brats,” he complains.

“I think we just found a new best friend to add to the group,” Mia smiles.

“Oh, sure. Because four brats together won’t lead to chaos,” Max says.

“I think I found my people, Theo,” Annie grins at her husband.

“Yeah, yeah,” Theo says before turning to me with his eyes narrowed. I smile and turn to rinse out my cup.

“It’s only funny because your sass is directed towards someone other than me and Max,” Rowan says as he kisses me.