I gasp and groan as he savagely fucks me. He is pounding into a spot that makes my toes curl and my legs shake. He rubs my clit while he makes me scream from his touch. I hear the front door open, and I cover my mouth. Max leaves the room and shuts the door behind him as Rowan is still fucking me into oblivion. I continue to moan against my hand but when Rowan pinches my clit, I slap my other hand over my mouth and scream as another orgasm rips through me. I involuntarily lift my hips off the bed and tilt my head back as much as I can manage as the orgasm continues to take over me. With one final eye-watering thrust, Rowan explodes inside of me, draining himself.
He sits me up on the bed and kisses me. I am dizzy and delirious from the brutality that they just inflicted on my now extremely satisfied pussy.
“Get cleaned up so we can go,” Rowan says with a smirk.
“Rowan, I don’t know If I can walk right now,” I say, dazed. He chuckles and pulls me up to stand.
“Go on,” he says as he swats my ass. I yelp at the sting it leaves behind. “No panties. I want access to my sweet cunt.”
“You would not,” I gasp.
“Try me,” he challenges me.
“I… I’m going to go get cleaned up,” I laugh.
“Good girl,” he says, kissing me.
I go to the bathroom and clean up before going to the living room to meet up with everyone. When I step into the room, everyone turns and looks at me.
“Awe. Guys. She looks all worn out now,” Mia whines as she hugs me.
“I feel like that was a planned attack,” I say and Rowan winks at me.
“You smell like sex,” she says in a hushed tone and giggles.
“Is that a compliment or an insult?” I ask.
“It’s not a bad thing it’s like…” she pauses to think of a word.
“Hormones running wild. That’s what it smells like,” Emma says.
“Oh shit!” I gasp loudly, promptly turn on my heels, and race to the bedroom. I go to my bag and pull out my birth control to confirm what I already know.
“What’s wrong?” Rowan asks as they all follow me.
“How the fuck did I forget? I never forget. That was so stupid. What the fuck is wrong with me?” I say to myself as I start to pace.
“Anika, what’s wrong?” Rowan stops me.
“I haven’t taken my birth control in four fucking days,” I say, panicked.
“Hey. Hey. Hey. Relax. It’s okay,” he says cupping my face. Max is beside me now rubbing my back.
“That means I could be… oh dear God. I can’t be…”
“Nika, baby. Relax. Don’t stress yourself out about it. Just go take it like normal and take a test in two weeks. If you are, we will handle it. Okay?” Max says softly.
“That’s one way to not have to donate a kidney,” Emma laughs.
“Aunt Mia sounds nice,” Mia grins.
“I’m going to punch both of you in the face,” I frown. “Screw a gender reveal. I’d need a baby daddy reveal,”
“Is that what bothers you? Genetics?” Rowan asks.
“Yeah,” I sigh.
“Listen. If you are pregnant, we will both take care of you and our child. We will both take on that responsibility. The opinion of your family doesn’t matter. My mom would be elated even if we brought her an alien grandbaby. Max’s parents will be thrilled as well. Mia and Emma will be aunts regardless of whose kid it is genetically. It’s not a big deal and we don’t even know if you are or not. So, take a deep breath and let’s go see my mom,” Rowan says before kissing me. I let myself relax.