“Oh, that’s unfortunate. I will say, I am impressed by your self-control.”

“So am I,” I agree with more laughter. “I thought I hid it well.”

“Oh, absolutely not. It was extremely obvious. If it wasn’t then, it sure as hell was when I shut the door,” he says.

“My bad,” I laugh. I am quiet for a bit but then I sit up and open my eyes. “I feel like all this should be weird with you, but it’s not.”

“Oh? I knew it was bound to happen eventually, but I expected a lot more shyness from you.”

“I am so used to Max and his chaotic tendencies that not much can shake me when it comes to this stuff,” I say.

“Except your boss walking in on you getting yourself off,” he states.

“Yeah, except that,” I agree with a smile.

“If it helps any, I should have known better. I knew exactly what Max was doing and I saw that it affected you. All I did was torture myself,” Rowan says.

“That repulsive, huh?” I ask with a smirk. Rowan narrows his eyes at me before looking back to the road.

“Watch it, little girl,” he warns as he turns onto my parent's road and stops at the gate.

“It’s 2105,” I laugh. He types the code in and drives through.

“I am much different at that club. Be cautious how you smart off to me, Nika,” he says with a smile.

“Thatname,” I groan.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asks.

“Good. You and Max are the only ones who have ever called me that. Mia does sometimes, but there is a heavy air of sexual tension attached to it,” I explain.

“Gotcha. Makes you want to get fucked,” he states.

“Yeah,” I laugh as we pull into the driveway. I see Isaac’s car but not my sister’s car.

“They drove together,” I say pointing at the car.

“Good for them. So did we,” he says as he grabs my hand. “Take a deep breath.”

I slowly inhale, hold it for a few seconds, then slowly exhale. I repeat this a few times but I can’t relax. “This is going to be so bad,” I whisper.

“One word and we are out of here, okay?” he says as he squeezes my hand.

“Okay. Let’s do this before I panic again,” I huff and open the door. I get out and join him at the front of the truck. “Mia was right when she said I have a bad temper.”

“I won’t let you blow up,” he says sweetly.

“Thank you,” I say as we walk toward the front door. I pause with my hand on the door to take another deep breath before I walk in.

As soon as I walk into my parent’s massive house, I am faced with Harper and Isaac making out. Isaac looks up and sees that Rowan is with me and rage instantly fills his eyes.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Anika,” he growls at me.

“And she calls me a whore,” Harper scoffs.

“Youarea whore, Harper,” I say simply as we walk past them. I walk to the kitchen where I know my parents will be, and they both look up at me at the same time.

“Who is he?” Dad asks as he looks back down to the vegetables he is chopping.