Page 20 of Under Their Watch

“Oh, I don’t know if I can be good knowing you don’t have panties on,” Jace says as he pulls me into his lap. “You look incredible.”

“It’s a little tight, but…”

“Is it comfortable?” Quinn asks.


“Good. It looks amazingandit’s comfortable,” Quinn says.

“Can I ask you something?” Theo asks me.

“No,” I frown at him.

“Sassy girl,” Max says. “What did you do to her, Theo?”

“She almost called you master, didn’t she?” Jace asks.

“Yeah,” Theo says. “I’m just curious what prompted you to say it?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I’m trying to get an understanding of how your triggers work. Finding out the little things you’re reacting to, I think, would help build a foundation for how we can proceed,” he says.

“I don’t know,” I say. “I think it was just that what you said sounded like a command, almost.”

“Are you more comfortable saying it?" he asks.

“No. It’s… Degrading,” I say. “I’m sure there’s a positive way that it could be used, but I associate it with Marvin.”

“Understood,” he says. “Don’t shame yourself if you slip up. You have a lot of habits to work through.”

“Let’s go deal with fuck face,” Emma says. “An officer is meeting us there. It’s about ten minutes from here.”

“Let’s load up,” Quinn says, standing and offering me his hand. “I’ll be good.”

“Unless he puts his hands on you,” Jace says. “Then I’ll break his goddamn neck.”

We pull into thedriveway, and I am curled up in Quinn’s lap. “Hey,” Quinn says, kissing the top of my head.

“I’m scared,” I admit with a whisper.

“I know, and that’s okay,” he says. “We are all right here with you.”

“Let’s just do this,” I sigh and sit up. “If I don’t go now, I won’t ever do it.”

“Hey,” Rowan says when he opens our door. “Marvin has officially been fired, and he’s pissed. Mostly at me, I think. I just wanted to warn you.”

“He will blame me,” I say as I get out of the SUV.

“This is Officer Casey Gett,” Emma says. “She will be serving the protection order and standing by so you can get your things.”

“Thank you,” I say to the officer.

“Not a problem,” she says warmly. “You and I will go to the door first; the others can be with us so long as everyone behaves.”

I nod and we walk to the front door. When I don’t knock, Officer Gett does. A few seconds later, the door opens. “Rhea,” he says with a warm smile that takes me by surprise.

“Mr. Miller. Rhea will be gathering her belongings with my assistance,” Casey says.