“Well,” I said, flustered, “he didn’t say your name, but he mentioned one of my kind had helped me in Vegas.”
“Oh?” he said with interest, and I saw a gleam of calculation in his eyes.
“Even if no one saw you, the PSS caught us together. They must have put two and two together.”
“What did you say this general’s name was?” he asked. “What division?”
Frustrated, I snapped, “Well, we didn’t get to exchange business cards.”
“What about his name tag?”
“He didn’t have one.”
Logan arched one eyebrow.
I glared at him. “I was too preoccupied to notice such small details.”
He nodded and then turned to resume walking. I had some questions of my own, but it made sense. Although I still wondered where the general found a bear-like demon to help him, considering we had driven at least two hours away from Sacramento.
“When did you get the phone call?” I asked, falling in step beside him.
“A few minutes before you woke up.”
“Where were you?”
“A few blocks away.”
“Mmm. That thing carried me all the way from wherever we were and conveniently dropped me somewhere close to you.”
Logan’s mouth pursed as he glanced behind us, his eyes scanning the street and rooftops. “The possibility actually crossed my mind when the caller gave me your location.” He shifted slightly, half shielding me from behind.
I was annoyed but let it go.
“You’ve never seen or heard of this bear-like creature before?” he asked.
“I thought it was one of Remo Drammen’s minions,” I said honestly.
He grunted.
I frowned at his profile, a myriad of thoughts crossing my mind in the blink of an eye. With my mother—or Elizabeth—out of the picture, my next priority was to disappear from the radar. But I still needed answers. About myself, my father, the preternatural community. Logan was supposed to leave for Seattle in the morning to meet his friend—if his friend ever showed up. I weighed my options and made a snap decision.
“Hey, did your friend ever call back?”
“Not yet.”
I chewed my lower lip for a moment, then blurted, “I’ll go with you. In exchange for information and your help making me disappear afterward.”
Logan stopped and faced me. “Why? I will help you regardless, but I need Archer for that, so it has to be afterward. I can get you to a safe place in the meantime. All you have to do is stay low.”
“No, I pay my debts. I come with you and afterward, you help me disappear.”
“Why not?” I countered.
“Because it’s dangerous. You’re afraid of them. You’ve never done this before and don’t know how to fight. If they catch me, I won’t be able to protect you.”
“Okay, I didn’t mean it quite literally,” I muttered, taking a deep breath. “I come with you, you help me. I don’t come with you, I don’t want the help. Simple as that,” I said, raising my chin in defiance. Stubbornness was one of the few traits the PSS couldn’t beat out of me.