And what had happened to her clothes?
He was 96% sure he hadn’t fucked her…or maybe 83% sure. Not that he hadn’t wanted to. He remembered that hunger clear as day, the way he’d ached to touch her, to taste her everywhere, to feel her move beneath him…
And now he was hard.Fucking hell.
Warily, he lifted the sheet draped over his lower body, even though he was 75% certain they hadn’t done anything more than kiss. His belt was gone, as was his shirt and suit jacket, but his pants had stayed on.
How much trouble could they have gotten into with his dress pants on, really?
He fought the urge to stroke her hip through the terrycloth of her robe, to bury his nose in her hair and shift her closer so she could feel his hard on through their clothing. They may have reconciled, but the fact remained that he had been engaged to her sister. It was one thing to kiss Sabrina in a drunken haze, but he was pretty sure there was a rule against sleeping with your almost-sister-in-law.
Across the room, his phone, still in his suit jacket pocket slung over the arm of the pull-out couch, chimed with a series a notifications. Cursing under his breath and swearing to all gods that had ever existed that he would gut whoever had the audacity to text him at—he glanced at the alarm clock andgrimaced—seven o’clock in the morning, he dragged himself out from under Sabrina’s koala grip.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he shuffled across the room and dug his phone out of the pile of discarded clothing. Beneath his suit jacket, a bright red, lacy bra lay accusingly atop his crumpled button-down shirt. He glanced back at the sleeping woman.
He would have remembered if he’d seen her naked, right? There was no way he would have forgotten something like that.
Baz swallowed down the illogical urge to climb back into bed beside her, to curl himself around her and hold her a few minutes longer. His phone chimed again as he finally opened up the group text with his friends.
Jamie:What did you do?
Jamie:Not you. Baz.
Jamie:Are these pictures real?
Ethan:What pictures?
Gavin:There are pictures?
Jamie:At least a dozen of them.
Gavin:Pictures of what?
Ethan:Where are you seeing pictures?
Jamie:Tessa found them on Sabrina’s Instagram page.
Ethan:How does Tessa know Sabrina?
Jamie:They met at St. Anthony’s Bazaar.
Jamie:That’s not the important part. The important part is the pictures.
Gavin:Oh, shit. There are pictures alright.
Ethan:What pictures? I don’t have Instagram.
Jamie:[link to Sabrina’s Instagram page]
Ethan:Holy shit.
Jamie:That’s what I’m saying!
Gavin:Wait, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Are we supposed to be excited or worried?