“Okay, okay, I think we’re embarrassing her,” Kyla said.

“It’s fine,” Sabrina said, but she knew her cheeks must be bright red.

Jo sighed. “You got one of the last good ones.”

“Bullshit. There are plenty of good ones left,” Molly said. “We just haven’t found them yet.”

“You will,” Sabrina said. “Sebastian and I knew each other for ten years before we got married. And for most of that time, he hated me.”

She knew it was the wrong thing to say the second it left her mouth. Four sets of interested eyes locked on her, and she could feel the barrage of follow up questions before they began.

“What do you meanhated?” Kyla asked.

“Hated is probably the wrong word,” Sabrina hedged.

“Howdidyou two end up together? Jamie was short on details,” Tessa said, doing her best to look as though Sabrina hadn’t let slip something she definitely shouldn’t have said in front of Sebastian’s friends.

“Oh, you know, just one of those things,” Sabrina said.You will not word vomit the details of your marriage to these women. You will not betray Sebastian’s trust that way.“Let’s talk about something else. Like penises! Kyla, does Gavin have a good one? Penis that is.”

THAT was the best topic change you could come up with?!

Kyla let out a startled laugh. “Yeah. He’s got a good penis.”

“Good. That’s good. Good penis is important,” Sabrina said.Oh, shut up.

“Alright, you guys, I think that’s my cue to get Jo home before we’re all too drunk to remember this conversation tomorrow,” Molly said.

“I want to know more about the good penis,” Jo complained. “C’mon. Let a girl live vicariously.”

With some more laughter and hugs all around, Molly finally succeeded in guiding Jo out of the bar, leaving Kyla, Tessa, and Sabrina alone.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Tessa said.

“No, no, of course not. You didn’t,” Sabrina said.

“Kind of seems like I did.”

Sabrina sighed and met Tessa’s eyes. It would be nice to talk to someone about what was going on. Not the drunken Vegas wedding or the sort-of-fake-but-maybe-now-real marriage thing, but maybe the other parts. The way Sebastain had given her a string of soul-shattering orgasms the other night and then immediately pulled away. Not physically. He’d never left the bed they now shared, had even kept his arm banded around her all night, but…emotionally, maybe? She could feel the difference in the way he spoke to her, the way he looked at her. Like some of those walls from that first night in Vegas were back, keeping her out.

“Things are complicated,” Sabrina began.

Kyla smiled. “Then you’ve come to the right place. The two of us are complicated relationship experts. Engaged to my ex’s dad,” she said pointing at herself, then, pointing at Tessa, “married her dad’s best friend. Remember?”

Tell me what you want.

The sincerity in his voice still tugged at her heart. The disappointment in his sigh when she’d demanded an orgasm echoed in her mind the way the memory of his touch echoed through her body.

I’m not done with you yet, Sabrina. I’ll never be done with you.

She was tempted to believe him. Shewantedto believe him. But she wasn’t sure how. And she didn’t know how to ask for what she really wanted from Sebastian.

“I’m fucking it up.” The truth of her words twisted in her gut. “I don’t know how not to.”

“You love him, don’t you?” Kyla asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, of course, I love him.” Sabrina blinked back the moisture gathering at the corner of her eyes. She loved him, and she was driving him away.

“There are a lot worse places to start than that,” Kyla said gently.