Tessa groaned. “Can we not?”
“Hypocrite,” Kyla teased, nudging her friend’s shoulder lightly.
“It’s not that! I’m not opposed to Dad finding love with someone I know, per se, but…” She shivered. “Never mind. Very much opposed.”
They all laughed as the bartender set another round of drinks in front of them. Sabrina listened happily as the other women bantered, their affection for each other clear with each teasing volley across the table, and marveled at being included. She liked these women.
She liked everything about her life in Aster Bay.
“Sabrina, did you ever figure out how to make one of the pottery penises…functional?” Tessa asked.
Sabrina cheeks heated. “Mmhmm. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.”
“That’s what she said,” Jo mumbled.
“Does Jamie know you’re trying to replace him with a piece of pottery?” Molly, the dark-haired friend who’d arrived with Jo, asked.
“Notreplace. Assist,” Tessa clarified. She turned to Jo. “Find yourself a man who welcomes the occasional assist. It keeps things interesting.”
“Noted,” Jo said with a saucy smile.
“Ooo, that should go on the checklist!” Kyla dug in her purse for a notepad, flipping pages until she found the rightone. “Right after ‘good tipper.’”
“What is this checklist?” Sabrina asked.
“Things my next boyfriend has to have,” Jo said.
“Like a job?” Molly teased.
“Yes! Like a job!” Jo laughed, dunking another mozzarella stick. “Like the ability to dirty talk without referring to mypetals.” She shuddered.
“He didn’t,” Sabrina laughed.
“Oh, he did. And that wasn’t even the worst one.”
“Flaps,” Molly said with a sympathetic nod.
“Sounds like he got his hands on some old school romance novels,” Tessa said. “At least the boy wanted to learn.”
“But I don’t want aboy,” Jo whined. “I want aman.A whole, grown-ass man who’s not afraid of toys,” she gestured at Tessa, “preferably has some hot-ass kink he’s willing to teach me about,” she gestured at Kyla, “and can brood so well he can set your panties on fire from across the room.” She directed the last at Sabrina.
“Excuse me?” Sabrina laughed.
“Baz is the master of the brood,” Molly said.
“And he has a job,” Jo said. “And I bet he can dirty talk with the best of them.”
All eyes turned expectantly to Sabrina, waiting for her to confirm that her husband did, in fact, have the filthiest mouth she’d ever heard. She squirmed in her seat at the memory of some of the things he’d said to her the night before, the answering soreness between her legs a reminder of how much she’d liked each and every one of those growled commands.
“He’s not bad,” she said.
“Please,” Jo scoffed. “That man looks like he could make you come without ever touching you.”
If only she knew how right she was.
“He’s a good tipper too,” Jo continued. “And I bethe’snot afraid of the assist.”
Sabrina thought of her own functional clay cock, newly completed with a shiny barbell all its own and tucked into the bedside table in Sebastian’s room. No, he definitely wasn’t afraid of the assist.