“Ugh. I hate when you’re right about things.”
Sugar pulls me into a side hug, laying her head on my shoulder. “It’s all going to be okay. I just know it.”
“So you’re a psycho now?”
“Don’t you mean psychic?” Sugar asks.
“Nope… you’re totally psycho,” I say with a laugh.
Sugar sticks her tongue out at me. “Mean.”
* * *
The club isempty save for a few staff members who are working on getting it ready for tonight. Paul waves at me with a smile. I tip my head and keep walking if I stop I might chicken out and run for the hills.
Maybe I should’ve just called Andre…
Too late now. I’ve chosen my course, and I’ve ran away from this for long enough. I’ll listen to what he has to say and give us both the closure we need. After this, we will both be free to move on with our lives. I’m getting really good at lying to myself these days. I won’t ever move on from Andre. There’s a reason I’ve kept things so casual. I’m an all-in kind of girl. I knew the moment I let my heart into the picture, there would be no holding back.
Andre’s door looms in front of my raised fist. I hesitate, paralyzed by the unknown. I steel myself for the upcoming conversation. Giving my heart a pep talk that we already know what’s about to happen and that we can’t breakdown until we are back home. Or at the very least in the backseat of the Uber that graciously agreed to wait for me—after I offered them a hefty tip. I take a deep, cleansing breath and let it out, then knock. For better or worse, I’m confronting Andre.
“I told you to leave me the fuck alone!”
Andre’s acidic response takes me aback. That’s not Andre at all. He’s calm and collected, especially at the club. I chew on my bottom lip debating again if this is a good idea or not. Does this really need to be done in person? Maybe I could just text him…
Ugh. When did I become such a chicken? I’m better than this. I’m a Brand for crying out loud. Brands don’t fail and don’t back down from a challenge. That’s the one lesson from my parents that I intend to keep. Instead of running, I knock more firmly this time.
I hear Andre’s chair creak as he stands and a lot of mumbled curses as he storms to the door. He flings it open, his mouth poised to shout at whoever dared to disturb him. As soon as he looks down at my upturned face, a look of surprise erases every bit of anger from his handsome face.
“Angel.” The whispered pet name is so full of reverence and relief that it’s painful to hear. “I—” Andre pauses as if he’s at a complete loss for words.
“Can we talk?” I ask quietly. I sound just like a meek little girl who is asking her daddy for permission. Basically, the exact opposite of the tough woman I came here to be. I knew this was going to be difficult… I didn’t realize that the deference is so ingrained that it’s automatic and instinctual when it comes to this man. This is going to be a million times harder than I thought.
“Yes, of course,” he says as he shakes himself out of his stupor. He opens the door wider and motions for me to come in.
I look around the normally neat and tidy office space. Everything is in disarray. Papers are strewn over the desk. The couch is a mess and looks as if he’s been sleeping here. The trashcan is overflowing with take-out containers. Guilt stabs me straight in the gut. Sugar was right; he’s suffering just as much as I am. I will that guilt into anger. What right does he have to act like the injured party when he’s the one that cheated?
“Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess.” Andre rubs the back of his neck, looking unsure.
I shift on my feet uncomfortable with this version of Andre. I know what to expect from the stoic dominant. This man seems to be coming apart at the seams. Like he’s walking the razor's edge of self-destruction.
I wave off his apology. “I won’t take much of your time. I just wanted to… I don’t know…” Now I’m stumbling over my words. Why the hell did I come here? A phone call would’ve been so much easier. “Closure. We need closure.”
Andre looks pained by my words. “What if I don’t want closure?”
His words cut me to the quick. “Oh, well…” I choke back my hurt. “I’m sorry. I’ll just go.”
I turn with every intention of keeping my head held high until I get out of the club. I order my eyes to stop welling with tears. I will my bottom lip to stop quivering. I swallow the sob that’s practically suffocating me.
Before I can turn the doorknob to make my escape, two large arms encircle me from behind, and I’m pulled against a hard chest. Andre’s scent surrounds me, his warmth wrapping me in a familiar cocoon of safety.
“That’s not what I meant, angel,” he says against my ear. Goosebumps prickle my skin at the rough need in his voice. “It’s true that I don’t want closure. I don’t want it because I want you to be mine. I’m not ready to give up on us.”
I wriggle out of his arms, escaping to a safe distance. It would be so easy to just sink into him and forget all about why our relationship is over. I can’t let myself forget. I swipe at the lone tear that managed to escape the fortress I built around my emotions.
“There is no ‘us,’ Andre.”
“I know you’re scared. That last scene was intense…”