Page 24 of Daddy's Temptation

Julius shakes his head. “Nothing is too extreme when a man’s in love.”

“Love?” I choke out.

He doesn’t respond, just guides me into the car. I mull over his words as he maneuvers through the congested Saturday night traffic. There’s no way he was right about that one. Andre doesn’t love me. He still thinks this is temporary… doesn’t he? I’m still lost in thought when Julius pulls up in front of Bidden and Bound. He opens the door and walks me into the club. Once I’m safe inside, he wishes me a good night and leaves.

I scan the club looking for Andre. He’s usually easy to spot as he’s often the tallest man in the room, not to mention his dark hair and broad shoulders. A wave of disappointment hits me when I don’t find him in the crowd. I slowly make my way to the bar and take one of the few empty stools.

“Hey, sweet thang,” Paul drawls. He’s from somewhere in the deep south and has the country drawl to match it. “Want your usual?”

A crisp glass of wine sounds perfect, but I want my mind clear no matter how tempting it is to let loose. Alcohol isn’t the kind of release I want tonight. “Can I have grapefruit juice with a splash of soda?”

Paul arches a brow but doesn’t question me, just pours my drink and hands it over with a flirty smirk. He flirts with everyone. He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body—well, except when he’s being all dominant and mildly sadistic. Paul is one of the few switches at Bidden and Bound. He’s submissive to other men… like melts into a pile of goo around a good dom, but one hundred percent dominant to the women he plays with. Behind the bar, he’s flirty and sweet.

Paul fills a few more orders then comes back to me. “You wanna tell me what’s eatin’ atcha?”

“Not really.”

He gives me a sympathetic smile. “I think Dave is in the dollhouse if you’re lookin’ for a session.”

A session is precisely what I need, but not from Dave or any of the other daddy doms for that matter. No one will ever hold a candle to the way Andre masters my body and mind. I don’t know what I’m going to do when this thing between us ends. I’m an idiot for making the stipulation that we are only temporary, and no feelings would be involved. Andre readily agreed with me, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because he’s just using me as an experiment to try out the whole daddy thing.

“I’m just going to hang out here for now.”

Paul doesn’t try to pry further; he just goes about his business filling drinks and flirting away. I look around for Andre again but am disappointed when I still don’t see him. Maybe I should’ve called first…

“Girl, Andre is a fucking master with the whip. I swear my ass is still sore from our session.” I don’t recognize the woman’s voice, and I barely keep myself from turning around and seeing who it is. “And his dick? He’s got a fucking monster between his legs.”

Whoever she’s talking to giggles. “I’ve always wanted to play with him,” she sighs. “You’re so lucky he broke his dry streak. I can’t wait to get a chance with him.”

The other woman snorts. “Good luck with that. Tuesday isn’t going to be a one-time deal. I plan to sink my claws deep and not let go.”

That breaks my resolve, and I turn to see who is talking about my Andre. I’ve seen the women at the club a few times, but I don’t know their names. The woman who claims to have played with Andre is tall with long black hair and way too much makeup. She might be pretty if she wasn’t trying so damn hard. The giggly one is curvy with mousy brown hair. I wonder if she’s overdone like her friend, but her back is to me, so I can’t tell.

Jealous anger burns through me as they continue talking about Andre and every detail of the night she shared with him. It takes a few minutes of listening, and getting myself worked up into a tizzy to remember that Andre wasn’t at the club on Tuesday. Tuesday he was at home cooking me dinner and playing with me.

Despite the realization that the bitch is lying out of her ass, the jealousy still pumps through my veins like acid. This is what I have to look forward to whenever our arrangement ends. Tears prick my eyes at just the thought of seeing him with another woman.

This is bad.

I’m already in too damn deep and drowning. Though, if I’m being honest with myself, I’d gladly drown a dozen times over to get to spend this time with Andre—no matter how much it’s going to break me when our arrangement inevitably ends.

I’ll just have to make the most of it while I can. I’m going to go all-in consequences be damned. A broken heart is a small price to pay to have whatever Andre is willing to give for however long he’s willing to give it.



I’ve been staringat my computer for hours. No one tells you when you open your own business how much time is spent doing busy work. I really need to hire an admin to do this shit for me. When I first opened the club, I wanted to have my hands in every part of the business, but now it might be time to hire some help. Especially if I’m going to spend my days distracted by a certain babygirl. Candace is a distraction—a beautiful, lovable, perfect distraction—and I just want more of her.

I shut down my computer and stretch. If I never see another fucking spreadsheet again, it’ll be too soon. I glance down at my phone and frown at the time. It’s after midnight. Candace was supposed to call over two hours ago. Maybe the party just ran longer than expected. Jealousy punches me in the chest at the thought of her in that sexy dress in a room full of men.

My jaw clenches with the need to stake my claim. To remind her who she belongs to. I’ll spank her little ass bright red, then set her straight. She’s my little angel, and I’m her possessive as fuck daddy.

Standing from my desk, I shove my phone in my pocket and head out to the club floor. I need a fucking drink. The club is busy like every Friday night, and I’m stopped half a dozen times as I make my way to the bar. As soon as I get past the crowd, I spot her.

Candace is sitting at the bar, her blonde hair is loose, hanging like a shiny waterfall down her back. Her shoulders are slumped, and she’s staring into a half-empty glass. My sweet girl looks completely beaten down from the world. Why is she here? She should be tucked into a hotel room a thousand miles away, not sitting at the bar nursing a drink.

She hasn’t noticed me yet. I take her in for a moment… she looks exhausted and just sad. My heart clenches in my chest with the need to rush to her side and fix whatever’s wrong. I want to pulverize whoever dared to put that look on my girl’s face. Probably her fucking boss. I couldn’t do anything about her tears while she was away, nothing is stopping me now.