“You okay, sweetheart?” Theo asks from over myshoulder.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I turn and smile, but it’s strained. When Theo doesn’t say anything I’m grateful, but he’s shooting daggers at his brother over my shoulder and the tension between the pair ispalpable.
“The girls are looking for you. Let’s go get you a drink,” Theo says as he guides me toward our reserved table, never once moving his arm from around myshoulders.
* * *
“This isthe best bachelorette party I’ve ever had!” Jillian yells over the music as we make our way back to the table from thedancefloor.
“It’s the only bachelorette party you’ve ever had,” I yellback.
I link my arm with hers when she stumbles. We’re both laughing when we practically fall into our seats. Theo places two glasses of ice water in front of us and kisses first Jillian’s cheek thenmine.
“Are my two favorite girls having fun?” heasks.
“Hey, what about me,” Tammyslurs.
He laughs, then concedes. “Okay, mythreefavoritegirls.”
“Damn straight we are!” Tammy throws her arms over her head and nearly topples off her chair. She plays it off by hopping to her feet and shaking her ass. We all bust up laughing at herantics.
It’s then that I realize Kingston is missing. I look around the VIP section but don’t see him anywhere. Begrudgingly, I admit I’m disappointed that I don’t see him anywhere. I hate myself for even looking for him and I hate myself even more for being disappointed that he’s nothere.
“He had to take a call,” Theo says quietly enough that the girls don’thear.
I shrug my shoulders, trying to play at nonchalance and failing miserably if the look Theo gives me is any indication. And now I hate myself because I’m being so obvious about whatever this is that’s happening between Kingston andme.
When the waitress comes by with another round of shots, I quickly down mine and the one that was left for Kingston. Theo looks at me with a worried frown, but I give him a bright smile. The liquor goes straight to my head and I fully embrace the blissful numbness that accompanies it. I decide right here and now that once this whole mess of a weekend is over, I’ll file for an annulment and put Kingston Barrett behind me forgood.
“Let’s go dance!” Tammy shoutsexcitedly.
Dirty Mindpounds through the club and Tammy grips my hips, pulling me close and we start our usual bump and grind, losing ourselves to the beat. At some point, she abandons me for a cute guy who looks like he’s barely legal. She gives me an apologetic look, but I give her a thumbs-up and continue dancing on my own. I close my eyes letting the music and the anonymity of being on a full dancefloor erase my worries, at least for now. I know they will all be waiting for me tomorrow, but for tonight, I’m going to let loose and havefun.
“Wanna dance?” a masculine voice slurs in my ear frombehind.
I turn and face the man, taking in his appearance I find myself noting all the ways he’s not Kingston. Too thin lips, crooked nose, too short, not as muscled, and the list goes on and on until I’m mentally kicking my own ass for going there. What is wrong with me? So instead of saying no like I want to, I nod my consent and find myself in the arms of a not-as-handsome-as-Kingston stranger. Not wanting to continue comparing him, I turn so that my back is to his front and let out a sigh of relief when the guy doesn’tcomplain.
As we dance his hands grow more and more bold. First, he was just holding my hips, but then he wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body flush against his. I went with it because it was harmless enough, but then his hand starts inching up my body until it’s practically cupping my boob. Again, I just go with it because as long as I’m dancing with him, my mind isn’t on he-who-shall-not-be-thought-of. After a few more songs, I don’t even care how handsy he’s getting or the fact that he’s kissing my shoulder and neck. In fact, I tilt my head giving him access because I’ve somehow convinced myself he’s the cure for myKingstonitus.
Chapter Five
“Everything okay, bro?”Theo asks when I get back to thetable.
“Yeah, Adam is a fuck-up who can’t manage to take care of shit while I’m away for more than twenty-fourhours.”
“Aww, poor widdle Kingston,” Jillteases.
I toss a napkin at her andgrowl.
“You don’t scare me,” she says rolling her eyes. “All bark and no bite. Unless it’s Pey, you two are like oil and water. One of these days you’re either going to kill each other or boink likerabbits.”
My eyes go wide, and I practically choke on my drink. Theo raises his eyebrow and laughs at my reaction. Thankfully, Jill doesn’t seem tonotice.
“Where are the girls? And Douchebag Troy?” I ask, tacking Troy on as an after-thought, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that I’m looking forPeyton.
Theo points over his shoulder at a low-slung couch where Troy is practically mauling some blonde bimbo. “As you can see Troy is…occupied.”