Page 14 of Just Married

I twist the ring on my finger, considering her words, it’s the same plan I’ve been plotting all day. Kingston claims he doesn’t want to end things. If he’s serious about staying together I have to decide if it’s something I’m willing to do. I decide to keep my thoughts to myself. I’ve revealed enough of my secrets for onenight.

“Let’s get some sleep. Jillian will murder us if we look like zombies tomorrow,” Isay.

“It’s already three in the morning, that makeup artist she hired is going to earn her paycheck covering up our hangovers,” Tammyjokes.

* * *

“Oh, Jillybean,”I gasp as I take in the full effect of my little sister in her wedding dress. “You look like a princess. Absolutelystunning.”

She nervously runs her hands over the bodice of her gown. “Are yousure?”

“Shut up, Jill,” Tammy grouses. “You’re not the one that looks like Easter threw up all over theplace.”

“It’s not going to kill you to wear pink,” Jillian firesback.

Tammy flips her off behind herback.

“I sawthat.”

I snort a laugh, never a dull moment. And I’m grateful for the distraction because the mess inside my head is enough to drive a girl bananas. I had hoped I would wake up this morning and be so consumed with wedding things that I couldn’t possibly find time to dwell on last night’s conversation with Kingston, but I still find my mind wandering back tohim.

Always back tohim.

I grab Jillian’s phone when itdings.

Can my beautiful bride spare my bestfriend?

I’ll make it up to youlater…

That text is followed up with several disturbing emojis that emulate exactly what he means by making it up toher.

I read the messages out loud to her and she shoos meaway.

Butterflies swarm in my stomach when I get to the suite the guys are preparing in… Kingston could be in there with Theo, and I’m torn between hoping he is there and praying he’s not. I knock, then open thedoor.

“There she is,” Theo says with a smile. “I didn’t think Jill would let yougo.”

“I think it was the emojis,” I tease. “I will have nightmares about eggplant for the rest of mylife.”

“Ha, ha. She’s gotjokes.”

I laugh. “Damn straight Ido.”

Theo’s smile falls, and the atmosphere in the room goes from lighthearted to serious all with that one change. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, preparing for what I know is about to come out of his mouth. I got the third degree from Tammy and Jillian… it’s Theo’sturn.

“Pey, are youokay?”

The look on Theo’s face is so sincere and full of worry. He’s not looking for gossip or to tell me how badly I screwed up, no he is just concerned for his best friend. My shoulders fall, and I relax for the first time all day. He instantly reacts to the change and pulls me into his arms. The only thing that keeps me from crying is my two-hour makeup job and Theo’s perfectly pressed tux. Otherwise, I’d just blubber it all out, but this isn’t the time or place for abreakdown.

“I don’t know what I am right now,” I answer honestly. “Everything is such a mess. Kingston told me some crazy stuff about how he’s always wanted me and that he doesn’t want an annulment. I mean, how is that even possible? What alternate universe have I falleninto?”

Theo doesn’t answer right away. He’s measuring his words, making sure he says exactly what he wants to say. It’s one of the things I love about him. He never says anything without thinking it throughfirst.

“Answer me this, how do you feel about Kingston?Honestly.”

I chew my bottom lip nervously. Theo is perceptive, and I have no doubt that he’s had his suspicions about my real feelings for Kingston for a long time. He’s always been able to read me like a book and I him. It’s one of the reasons we click so well together. Deciding to be completely candid is harder than I thought, but there’s no point in beating around the bushnow.

“I’ve always liked him. When we were kids, I had a huge crush on him and it never really went away.” As I talk, Theo nods his head like I’m not telling him anything he didn’t already know. “I hated how mean he was and to protect myself I jumped on the ‘hate each other’bandwagon.”