Page 3 of Just Married

“You should stay,” hecounters.

I shake my head and start searching the room for my clothes. My dress is balled up on the floor. I cringe knowing it’s going to be a wrinkled mess. There will be no way to conceal my walk of shame status wearing it. I collect the dress from the floor, and after a quick survey of the room, I can’t readily see my bra or panties. Deciding it’s more prudent to make my escape quickly than to find them I pull my dress over my head. I let out a squeak of surprise when I open my eyes to Kingston standing mere inches from me. He’s so close I can feel the heat radiating off hisskin.

Before I can put distance between us, he cups my face in his big hands and crashes his lips to mine. I gasp in response to his ferocity, and his tongue plunges into my mouth tangling with mine. I’m caught off guard for a few seconds, but then lust fogs my brain, and I return his fervor. My tongue dances with his until it’s impossible to determine who’s kissing who. He grips the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The long, hard length of his body presses against my much smaller frame setting me aflame. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself up on my tip toes to get better access to hismouth.

My head spins as I’m swept away. My hangover completely forgotten, stamped out completely by our passionate embrace. Need ignites, and my blood burns hot in my veins. I have no clue how long we are lost in the kiss, but I do know that I don’t want it to end. My phone rings breaking the moment like a bucket of ice water poured over my head. I rip my lips away from his, and stumble away from him. His arms are still outstretched, and I can see he’s considering pulling me back againsthim.

I back away and wonder what universe I’m in that Kingston is looking at me with longing. No that’s not possible, it’s just lust in his eyes, nothing more. Maybe in some parallel universe he’d look at me like that, but not here. He had never given me the time of day when we were younger, even when I spent hours at his house hanging out withTheo.

There was always this awkward tension between us. I’ll admit, on my end the awkwardness stemmed from my ridiculous attraction to him. I always assumed he was just an asshole and didn’t like me. He picked on me and made me feel insignificant. He never once engaged me in an actual conversation. Last night must have been temporary insanity brought on by copious amounts of alcohol. That’s the only explanation that makes a lick ofsense.

I grab my clutch and make a mad dash for the door, tripping over his abandoned clothes in the suite’s living room. I make a distressed noise as I fumble with the security lock. I can see Kingston moving toward me out of the corner of myeye.

Shit, shit, shit.I chant in my head, willing the stupid lock to cooperate. When it finally clicks open I spill out of the room into the hallway. Before the door shuts, I hear Kingston shout that I can’t run from him forever. We’ll see about that, I think to myself as I impatiently wait for theelevator.

My eyes keep scanning the hallway, but it’s blessedly empty, and I cross my fingers that I can make it to my room without any witnesses. When I get into the elevator, I realize I’m on the top floor of the hotel where the penthouse suites are located. Ten floors. I have to make it ten floors without the elevator stopping foranyone.

Please, please, please. I silently beg for mercy, but three floors down the elevator slows to a stop, and the doors slide open, two of my cousins step inside. Of course, it couldn’t have been some random person. No, it had to be the two nosiest bitches in thefamily.

Cece looks me up and down, her lips curled down in disgust. Jen gives me a once over and smirks, a pleased look spreading across her face. She looks like she just hit the gossip jackpot. In her small mind, the attention she’ll get from spreading the news of my walk of shame will be justthat.

“Looks like someone had a rough night,” Cecesneers.

Jen laughs, the nasally sound like nails on achalkboard.

“Nice pedicure,” Cececackles.

I glance down at my unpolished toes, realizing for the first time that I don’t have my shoes. Fucking fantastic. No underwear and no shoes. When drunk me decides to make a mistake, she does it in epicfashion.

Jen laughs at her dig, adding one of her own. “Looks about as good as thoseeyebrows.”

“Thanks,” I reply sweetly. “I used the same lady that waxes yourlip.”

Her hand flies to her mouth, and she gasps. Thankfully, the doors choose that moment to open on my floor, and I make my escape. I let myself into my room and lean heavily against the door. I thump my head against the hardwood, instantly regretting the move because now that the feel-good endorphins from Kingston’s kisses are gone my hangover is back in full force. The craziness of my morning runs through my head, and I decide that I will never, ever speak of what happened last night or thismorning.


I won’t think about Kingston’s big hands running along my skin, his lips on my mine. The heat of his tongue as it slicked against mine. I won’t remember the long, thick length of his cock pressed against me. I especially won’t remember the way he looked at me withlonging.

Nope. Not going to think about Kingston Barrett atall.

My phone dings and I pull it out of my clutch grimacing when I notice a dozen missed calls and twice as many texts. I don’t even get the chance to look at the messages before my phone starts ringing in my hand, my sister’s smiling face flashing on the screen. I take a deep breath beforeanswering.

“Hel—” I start, but I’minterrupted.

“Oh my God, finally! Where the heck are you?” Jillian shrieks in my ear. I pull the phone away, wincing. I don’t have a chance to respond before she’s back to yelling at me. “You were supposed to be here an hourago!”

I take a deep breath reminding myself that she’s just high-strung because her wedding is tomorrow, and she wants everything to be perfect. Apparently, everything includes my toenails which no one will see inside the torturous shoes she’s got all the bridesmaids wearing. Though I’m all for the massages she scheduled for us. Lord knows after this morning I needit.

“I know, I’m sorry. I’ll be down in thirtyminutes.

I down a couple of pain relievers, then take the fastest shower known to man. I’m starting to feel like myself again, though my reflection proves that I’m a hot mess. Hopefully, a good night’s sleep will fix the damage. Otherwise, the fancy makeup artist my sister hired will be earning herpaycheck.

After a quick swipe of mascara and a bit—okay, a lot—of concealer, I’m looking human. I pull my hair up into a messy bun, wincing when something snags in my hair. I pull my hand free and look down, expecting a broken nail to be the culprit, my mouth falls open, and I practically choke on my own tongue when I seeit…


A massive diamondring.