Page 23 of Just Married

“Why did you stand meup?”

Okay, that’s not what I expected. “What do you mean? When did I stand youup?”

She raises up so her chin is resting on my chest, and her eyes bore into mine. “The Sadie Hawkins dance… you told me you’d be my date and then you didn’t show up.” Her eyes flash with an old pain I didn’t even know I’dcaused.

“Baby, I never would have stood youup...”

The pain in her eyes is gone in a flash as anger takes over. “You… you… jerk! It took me a week to work up the courage to ask you to be my date, and you said yes. The night of the dance you didn’t show up, and the next day you called me pathetic because I couldn’t find adate.”

Bewildered, I don’t know what to say. Even though I was an idiot back then, I would have never passed up a chance to go out withPeyton.

“Pey, I don’t even know what tosay.”

“I just want to know why you would do that to me. Was it just a cruel prank? You acted so excited when I asked you…” she chews on her bottom lip for a moment. “I thought that maybe you had a secret crush on me like I had onyou.”

I laugh without humor. “Ididhave a crush on you from the first time I sawyou.”


I have a suspicion about what happened, and I’m embarrassed to admit it. “Honestly, I was probably drunk when you asked. I’m not proud of my behavior from that time in my life. I made a lot of shitty choices. I’m so sorry that I inadvertently hurtyou.”

Peyton nods as she takes in my words but doesn’t say anything. Instead, she lays her head back on my chest, shutting me out. I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding when she snuggles in closer to my side. She might not be ready to forgive me but she’s not runningeither.

Chapter Twelve


Whoever saidthat weddings are the start of happiness, obviously didn’t drunkenly marry their best friend’s brother inVegas.

“Is that him?” Tammy asks as my phone dings for the hundredthtime.

I sigh and push my salad around my plate, my appetite completelygone.

“Yes,” I admit. There’s no point in denying it. Kingston hasn’t let up since he chased me home fromVegas.

“Why are you fighting this sohard?”

That’s the same damned question I’ve asked myself a dozen times a day. The answer is always the same: I don’t know. That’s not entirely true. The truth is, I’m still scared and don’t know how to get over that fear. Despite the fact that Kingston gave me a really shitty excuse for why he stood me up all those years ago, it’s actually much better than if he had done it to be malicious.But…

“I just don’t trusthim.”

Four weeks ago, those words were spoken with complete conviction. Now? They don’t ring true, not even a little. Kingston has done everything to make me feel comfortable. Every hoop I’ve made him jump through has been met with understanding and not one ounce of annoyance. It’s like the man has an unending amount of patience when it comes to proving himself. I set the boundaries, and he toes the line. Never once pushingme.

The thing is… I need a push. Hell, I need a shove. I’m so scared of making the wrong choice that I’m stuck making no choice atall.

My phone dings again and I cringe. Last night was everything I could have asked for and then some but in the light of the day… all my doubts came rolling back, and I panicked. Again. Had I not woken up tangled around him in my own bed, I would have run, but we were at my place, and there was no wayout.

I pasted on a smile and did my best to not show my inner freak out, but with the way he’s been reaching out to me… I’d say I failed pretty badly at acting normal. So, now I’mavoiding.

Tammy snatches my purse, digging through it until she grasps myphone.

“Pey. Thirty-sevennotifications?”

She looks appalled and I almost think she’s upset on my behalf, but then she shoves the phone atme.

“This is fucking ridiculous. I’m done playing the supportive bestie. I won’t sit back and watch you sabotage your own happily ever after. That’s what this is all about, right?” she looks at me imploringly. When I say nothing, she shakes her head, her disappointment evident. “Look, I love you, but you need to sort your shit. The future you’ve always wanted is right there, waiting for you.” She points at my phone. “He might not be your Prince Charming or a knight in shining armor, but heisyour happily ever after. You know I’mright.”

Tears well up in my eyes and I nod. She’sright.