In the quiet of my room, I'm no longer distracted by Hutch and I can't stop thinking about my situation. I'm basically homeless and everything I own is in the condo I shared with Shane. Tears well up and I can't hold in my sobs.
This isn't who I am, I might've been pushed into a box that made me the perfect little woman for Shane. I snort at the thought because let's be honest, if I was what he wanted he wouldn't have been fucking my bestie.
I'll give myself tonight to be a crybaby. Tomorrow I'll get my poop in a group.
I toss and turn for what feels like hours, my mind constantly replaying everything that’s happened in the last forty-eight hours. It’s hard to believe that just two short days ago I woke up in a state of bliss, completely oblivious. Okay, maybe not bliss, but I thought I was happy. And now? Now there is no hiding from the reality. I’ve always been a glass half-full kind of girl. At this very moment, if my glass is half-full, then it’s half-full of curdled milk.
Hello Debbie Downer.
I’m still deep in self-pityville when sleep finally claims me.
A loud crash followed by the ominous flicker of lights going out jerks me out of sleep and leaves the room in complete darkness. I’m not scared of the dark. Nope, I’m a grown ass woman. But the huge crack of lightening followed by window rattling thunder has me jumping out of bed, heart pounding. The next bolt of lightning has me running like the hounds of hell are chasing me. Without thought, or care, that I was breaking the rules of etiquette I not only enter Hutch’s room without knocking, but I then proceed to dive under the covers and scare the shit out of him.
I know this because he shoots up out of a dead sleep ready to pounce on enemy soldiers. After a confused moment of attack or cuddle, he pulls me into his body and rests back against the pillows. Quickly and easily accepting me into his bed like it's the most natural thing ever. As the warmth from his body encompasses me, I kind of feel like it is.
“Sorry.” Lame, I know, but it’s all I had. I’m not scared of the dark. Okay, I lie. Totally can't stand it, I've always had night lights. Drake use to pick at me for my irrational fear, but it isn't something I can get over. Add a storm and the dark together, plus the kind of emotional damage of the last couple days? No way.
“S’okay, Kitten.” His sleep rough voice caresses over me.
The wind starts howling against the windows just before the rain starts beating its rhythm against the tin roof. The room lights up with more lightning and my body tenses waiting for the boom of thunder that will follow. Hutch doesn't say anything more, just holds me closer as he gently runs his fingertips over my spine. The constant motion calms me despite my tension and fear, ultimately lulling me into that place between wakefulness and sleep. I’m standing right on the cusp ready to dive down when his lips brush against my hair and I swear he curses my brother.
My dreams are full of half-naked leprechauns pole dancing.
Hmmm…I think as I squeeze the warm body that’s curled around mine closer, rubbing my cock against the enticingly soft flesh.
Wait…what the?
My memory catches up with my excited body and I realize I went to bed alone last night. At the cabin. Where no one else should be. Then it hits me, no one except the little hellcat in the other room.
Wracking my mind for any clues as to how she ended up in bed with me, I draw a blank. Carefully, I try to extract myself from the tangle of blankets and limbs, quickly realizing that it would be impossible without dumping her to the floor. Her sweet little body is draped over my chest, her leg between mine, and the soft vee of her thighs providing the perfect resting place for my over-eager cock.
Fuck me.
As wakefulness fully takes over bits and pieces from the night before begin to come back to me—Blake getting angry, me taking my frustrations out on my cock in the shower, going to bed alone and pissed off that she was crying and I couldn't help her, the storm, my little hellcat turned fraidy-cat jumping into bed with me, and waking up.
The one thing that was missing from the night?
My nightmares stayed silent.
It’s the first time in years that I didn’t have the ghosts from my past haunting me throughout the night. I feel my heart swell and peace suffuses me. Pulling Blake closer, I let myself doze. Happy to enjoy the moment for as long as possible.
I’m notsure how long I was out, but Blake stretching her muscles and making sexy little grunting noises wakes me up. Not just me… my cock went from half-mast to nail pounding hard in less than a second. When she nuzzles into my neck and breathes against my skin, it becomes achingly clear to me that I am going to stake my claim, regardless of the consequences.
I half-expect that as soon as she comes fully awake and realizes who she is cuddled up to that she will somehow blame me for the situation. But instead, she gets impossibly closer, tangling her legs with mine and wrapping her arm around my waist using it for leverage to press her body into me. Instinctively, I squeeze her and offer acceptance or just plain acknowledgement that I am okay with her being there.
And boy am I ever okay with it.
In fact, I'd love nothing more than to have her even closer, like on my cock or my face or one then the other.
“Morning,” she breathes, her voice husky and barely there.