Page 15 of His Hellcat

“You slut! I can’t believe you would cheat on me after everything I’ve done for you.” Spittle flies from his mouth as he screams at me.

“Oh no, you did not just call me a slut,” I scream back, launching myself at him. I pull my fist back, punching him square in the nose. The instantaneous blood flow is almost as satisfying as the crunch of broken bone. I’m reeling back to hit him again when Hutch grabs me around the waist and pulls me back, kicking and screaming.

“You motherfucking, cum guzzling, bag of ball sweat!” I yell to his crouched figure, blood dripping through his fingers as he holds his broken nose. “Hutch, you put me down right now. I’m going to bury this douche drinking shit stain.”

“Calm down, Hellcat. I think you’ve gotten your point across.”

“I am calm. I’m Mother-fucking-Theresa with how fucking calm I am.”

Hutch chuckles, but doesn’t let me loose. “I can see that, but how about we not kill the pathetic little man-child? I can think of a lot more interesting ways for you to work out your aggression.” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and my pussy clenches, completely on board with that option.

“Fine, but I’m going to pout because he really does deserve worse than a broken nose.”

“You’re right, he does, but the fact that he’s lost you is a pretty severe punishment.” He brushes his lips over mine and I instantly melt. “Let me take out the trash and we’ll see about all that pent up aggression.”

“Time to go, asshole. There’s nothing here for you.”

Shane looks at me beseechingly. “Blakey, I forgive you, just come home and we’ll put this whole mess behind us.”

“Hutch is right, Shane. There’s nothing here for you. Go home. I’ll send one of my brothers to get my things.”

“But…” Shane starts to say something else, but Hutch doesn’t let him. He grabs him by the back of his shirt, then unceremoniously drags him across the porch and down to his car. He pushes Shane into the car and slams the door. Hutch doesn’t move until Shane’s car is nothing but taillights in the distance. As soon as they fade away, he’s crossed the short distance between us and has me wrapped in his strong arms.

“You okay, Kitten?”

“I’m absolutely perfect,” I quip, grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the cabin. “I believe you promised to show me how to properly deal with my aggression, though.”

“That I did my little hellcat.”



Three years later…

“Momma, up!” Brenden, my sweet little guy holds up his chubby arms to me. I’m just about to bend to scoop him up when my husband stomps into the room and grabs the little guy, turning him upside-down before parking him on his shoulders.

“I know you weren’t going to pick this monster up, were you little momma?” He asks, one eyebrow quirked up and a smirk gracing his handsome face.

“Yes, I was. I’m perfectly capable of holding my own son,” I whine. Okay, I might have stomped my foot a little, too. I’m so tired of being coddled. “I’m pregnant, not broken. You’re being ridiculous.”

Brenden giggles while tugging his daddy’s hair. “Yeah Daddy, wedicuwous.”

“You’re days away from delivery. Please, just humor me.” His tone is pleading and his eyes are full of concern.

Ugh. I hate when he looks at me like that. I can’t deny the man anything. “Fine.”

He plucks Brenden from his shoulders and puts him on his feet. “Why don’t you go find Uncle Drake, little man?”

“Dwwaaakkkeee,” he squeals, running full-speed down the hall to the guest room.

As soon as he’s out of sight, Hutch has my face cupped between his hands and his lips caressing mine in a soul-searingly sweet kiss. Lust shoots through my body and my brain short-circuits like it always does whenever he touches me. I move closer, but my baby bump gets in the way. He pulls back, grinning at me like a fool. His hands move from my face to my belly, hands cradling his babies where they rest.

“I love you so fucking much, Kitten.”

“I love you too, Hutch.”

“And I love sleep, but this little monster has no respect for closed doors,” Drake interrupts our moment.