We start to pass the food around the table, and I hold the bowl of mashed potatoes so that Saffron can grab some before I pass it to my sister-in-law.
“So, tell us how you two met!” My Aunt Kathy says, and I turn to Saffron.
“We’re neighbors,” she says with a small smile. “We met when I moved in next door to him.”
“Are you from Wolf Valley?” My dad asks, and Saffron shakes her head.
“No, me and my sisters moved there about a year ago.”
“Saffron opened up a bookstore in town,” I tell my family.
“Oh, how exciting!” Aunt Kathy gushes.
The conversation focuses on Saffron, her bookstore, her family, her new house, and finally, our relationship.
“So, how long have you two been dating?” Shelby asks.
“A few weeks now,” I tell them as I dig into the food.
We all dig in, and finally, the conversation changes to what everyone else has been up to. Everything seems to be going great. My mom and dad are thrilled that I’m with someone. Everyone seems to love Saffron, and it’s great to see my family again.
Still, I can’t help but be on guard. There’s this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that keeps telling me that this is the end. Our deal is over after tonight, at least on her end. I’ll just have to be around her all of the time as I fix her house, but I won’t be able to hold her hand or pretend that we’re together.
I try to focus on the meal, but every time that Saffron laughs or looks at me with those soft eyes, I wonder if maybe it’s possible to make this thing between us real.
Could it be possible that this isn’t fake to her either?
“Thankyou so much for having me. Dinner was delicious and it was so nice to meet all of you,” I tell Nolan’s family as he holds my coat up for me to slip my arms into the sleeves.
“Oh, any time, dear!” Mrs. Wright tells me as she steps forward to wrap me up in a tight hug. “You’re welcome back here anytime.”
“Thanks,” I whisper, and she smiles as she pulls back slightly.
“Thank you. It’s nice to see my son so happy and I know that we have you to thank for that.”
“I’ll see you guys later,” Nolan says as he hugs everyone good.
He takes my hand, and I smile, waving one more time as he pulls open the front door. I’ve liked getting to know his family, but I’m ready to head home and be alone to process all of my feelings.
Nolan pulls open the door, and a blast of snow and freezing cold air hits both of us, knocking me back a step.
“Whoa,” I blurt out when I see how bad that weather has turned in the few hours that we were here.
A foot and a half of snow is now covering his truck, and more is still coming down.
“You can’t drive home in that!” Mrs. Wright says, and I glance up at Nolan.
“Uh…” He says, blinking as he looks out at the weather.
“You’ll stay the night. We insist. Right, honey?” Mrs. Wright says, nodding at her husband.
“Of course. I’ll get the sheets for your old bed,” he says, and I blink as he takes off down the hall.