Everything goes still.
Another shout from outside. I stride to the door and whip it open. Naryo is coming down the hall, face stricken. “Are you okay? And the queen?”
“We’re fine.”
Naryo shakes his head. “It’s been ages since we had an earthquake in Tor Tyrnien.”
I feel Sarielle step up behind me. Naryo is a dear friend, but even he does not know my deepest, darkest secret. Thenightmare blood that runs in my veins. Only one person living knows, someone who shares that same secret. Well, Riya, and now Sarielle. “Thank goodness it was brief,” I say, genuine relief in my voice.
“I don’t think we had any structural damage,” Naryo says. “If this urn is the only casualty, I’ll call that excellent luck.” He points to the shattered ceramic pieces littering the tile floor.
“We may be a bit late preparing breakfast, but I’ll send one of the servants once we’ve checked the rest of the house for damage.”
I nod stiffly. “Of course. Thank you, as always.”
Naryo strides off again, and I shut the door. Sarielle is looking at me in abject horror. “I…Idid that?”
“Your powers have been getting stronger since you arrived in Valaron.” My jaw rolls. “I think being in close proximity to the nightmares has amplified them. That, along with anger.”
“But how do I control it? I can’t just go around causing earthquakes every time I lose my temper.”
Not just earthquakes, but she nearly made me lose control of my own inner nightmare. If my magic had joined hers… I shudder at what might have happened.
“No, you cannot,” I say. “You need a proper magical tutor. But lacking that, I have another idea.”
Chapter Five
Ilook down thelength of the narrow courtyard Zyren led us to, which runs along the backside of Naryo’s compound. Per his instructions, I’ve changed into a pair of loose-fitting pants and a form-fitting top, courtesy of the servants. The midday sun shines down on us, the warmth of it amplifying the smell of the flowering vines climbing each wall.
“Are we going to practice magic?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow at Zyren, who is standing a few feet in front of me.
“No. We’re going to spar.”
“Yes…it’s a way to teach you not only to defend yourself, but to release pent up emotion. Which can be valuable when you get angry.” He gestures to me, curling his fingers to come closer. “Come over here and try to hit me.”
It’s been several hours since the incident this morning, but I still feel…raw. As if at any moment, my magic is going to take over, my anger blasting out of me.
I’m still coming to terms with the fact that I’m part nightmare, like Zyren is, that something dark lives within me. In a way,I’d always known. I remember being chastised as a girl at the Amethyst Palace for causing shadows and dark skies when I was in a foul mood. I’d shoved it away all those years ago, hidden it deep down in my core. But being here, in the realm I was born in… that darkness started climbing for the surface the moment I stepped foot in Valaron.
The moment my guardian touched me, in the flesh, and his own inner monster spoke to mine.
“Come on,” Zyren says. “Don’t be shy.”
I stride forward, closing the distance between us. I curl my fingers into a fist, tensing my shoulder and sending my power outward from there. Momentum carries it forward, so when my fist hits Zyren’s palm, it makes a satisfyingsmack. His eyes flare ever so slightly.
“This isn’t the first time you’ve thrown a punch.” It’s a statement, not a question, and he casts me a look as if he’s seeing me for the first time.
I try to keep the smug tone out of my voice. “One of the palace guards used to teach us.”
“Me and Lilette. In secret, up in our meadow.”